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On looking upward, we discovered the object of her search the nest of the orioles which was hanging like a large purse, or rather like a distended stocking, from the topmost twigs of the tree. "After a few moments the old 'possum seemed to have made up her mind; and, approaching the spot where the young ones were scrambling about, she uttered a short sharp note that brought them all around her.

Orioles and mocking-birds sang in the openings, and startled deer fled before our advance as Shelby Cousin and I rode for the Clinch. The heat of July was tempered by a breeze out of the north, and the heavens were filled with hurrying white argosies.

You're a naturalist." "It's an oriole's nest," Tom said, with just a note of good-humored impatience in his voice. "I thought you'd know that." "You see my head is full of the Eagle badge just now," Hervey pleaded, "but I'm going to look up orioles." Tom smiled. "I'm going to look up orioles, and I'm going to get Doc to put some iodine on my leg, and I'm going to do that tracking stunt to-morrow.

After a while he took a chicken from the market-basket, spread it on a toaster, and broiled it over the coals; he put the dishes on the hearth to warm, washed the celery, parched some grated corn over the coals while the chicken was broiling, talking the while of Tolstoy and of Maeterlinck, of orioles and vireos, of whatever we happened to touch upon.

On reaching the fork, she paused, and looked about with an air that showed she was both vexed and puzzled. All at once her eyes rested upon the branch of an oak-tree, that stretched out over the pawpaw, and directly above the orioles' nest.

Robins and wrens, orioles and mocking-birds, blue jays and jackdaws, thrushes and blue-birds and cardinals, all were busy house-building; one heard calls and answers, saw flashes of painted wings, followed by outbursts of ecstasy. If one should lay one's ear to the ground on such a morning I think one might hear the heart of the world. "Hallelujah! Risen!

Olive was driving, for she loved the old white horses. Rap, Nat, and Dodo sat in the middle seat, and the Doctor behind. "Please, Doctor, what is the name of the Bird family we are going to visit?" asked Rap. "The family of the Blackbirds and Orioles; but it has a Latin name, Icteridae, when it walks in the procession." "Listen! listen!" cried Dodo.

The last and sweetest song of the wren, "Shame-ber-ee!" rang out joyously as we turned our faces to the north, and bade a long farewell to the Great Carolinians. All day long in the elm, on their swaying perches swinging, New-fledged orioles utter their restless, querulous notes.

A single affection may indeed be true, earnest, and absorbing; but such an one, after all, is but a type and if the object be worthy, a glorious type of the great book of feeling: it is only the vapor from the caldron of the heart, and bears no deeper relation to its exhaustless sources than the letter, which my pen makes, bears to the thought that inspires it, or than a single morning strain of your orioles and thrushes bears to that wide bird-chorus which is making every sunrise a worship, and every grove a temple!

He felt too badly to say good-bye to us. I was almost heart-broken when I learned that he was not coming back. He had been my comforter in most of my troubles, had taught me to ride and drive the horse, shown me the wood duck's nest in the hollow of our white oak tree, and the orioles' pretty home swinging from a twig in the live oak, also where the big white-faced owls lived.