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Article 3, Stock Cooperative Law. By-laws for Cooperative Associations organized under Article 3, Stock Cooperative Law. Article 21, Membership Cooperative Law. By-laws for Cooperative Associations organized under Article 21, Membership Cooperative Law. Article 13 A, Farmers' Cooperative Law. By-laws for Cooperative Associations organized under Article 13 A, Farmers' Cooperative Law.

The teacher of a ninth grade class loves books, and was quick to seize the hint of such a club, which she organized from the girls in her room, and asked permission to bring to my office for its weekly meetings. She is keeping them up to their work because she sees them every day, and they are interested and learning how much they can find in a book besides the story.

Greater than all his books or literary achievements was Arthur Penryn Stanley, the modest, true-hearted, unselfish, childlike, Christian man. Soon after I had begun my pastorate in New York, I became a member of the Young Men's Christian Association, which was one of the first that was organized in this country.

After this bill was passed, the Union Pacific Company was organized at Chicago, September 2, 1862, and Reed, Dey, and Brayton made reconnoissances east of the mountains, Reed confining his work to the crossing of the mountains to reach the Great Salt Lake Basin. The effort to engage capital in the road was a failure.

On this, as upon every occasion when a national demonstration was to be organized, the trades of Dublin, Kingstown, and Dalkey, exhibited that spirit of patriotism for which they have been proverbial in our generation. From their ranks came the most efficient aids in every department of the preparations.

It was common knowledge that there was a more or less organized band of shiftless malcontents making its headquarters in and near Perry's Bend, some distance up the river, and the deduction in this case was easy. The Bar-20 cared very little about what went on at Perry's Bend that was a matter which concerned only the ranches near that town as long as no vexatious happenings sifted too far south.

Gear, that would not be made a better workman, husband, father, citizen, for studying that life and those teachings one hour a week." "It is true," said he. "You organized a Shakspeare club last winter to keep them from Joe Poole's," said I. "Was it a good thing?" "Worked capitally," said Mr. Gear.

New pupils were offered, either by their parents, or by the city authorities, and new families were organized. These required more "house-fathers," as they were called, and for their training a separate house was needed. Dr. Wichern has been very successful in obtaining assistants of the right description.

Some of them, after we had been organized for a month or two, made scores that few of the gentlemen could excel. But the lady who attracted the greatest attention when she shot was Miss Rosa.

James Day reported, and the General's military family was organized, he having taken an Adjutant-General from the command. "The army was now being rapidly put in good shape; a complete re-organization was being effected, and all were feeling less discouraged.