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In fact the woodlands on the farms compose about 50 per cent. of all the forest lands south of the Mason-Dixon line. In Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky and Oklahoma, over 60 per cent. of all the forest land is on farms.

I suppose that the constitution and laws of Oklahoma, whose land was the last to be added to the public domain and its commonwealth among the last to the roll of States, has been more generous-minded toward its children than any other. It set apart not only sections sixteen and thirty-six in every township for the public schools; it reserved two more sections in every township for kindred uses.

Their wits are probably more keen and active here than in any other direction. It is said that in Oklahoma the coyotes have learned to tell ripe watermelons from unripe ones by scratching upon them. If they have not, they probably will. Eating is the one thing that engrosses the attention of all creatures, and the procuring of food has been a great means of education to all.

One of the men had happened to mention in her hearing that an unusually large shipment of oil had been ordered to be sent to Egypt. "Well, that's one request we can't fill," acknowledged her uncle regretfully. "You're inland for sure, Betty, and the good old ocean is many miles from Oklahoma. However, some day I hope you'll see an oil tanker.

He just grinned and drawled lazily, 'I can save a little on shoe leather, that some fellows wear out hurrying so, and I don't burst up so many hats with a swelled head as some do. So I keep a little extra change on these accounts. We're going down to Oklahoma when we graduate. Limpy's going to be a Methodist preacher and I a stockman.

It makes the time pass quicker. Been visiting in the East?" "No. I've always lived in New York." "Going to Chicago on a visit?" "Not exactly. I'm going to call on some friends, and then go on to Oklahoma." The mention of Oklahoma roused the stranger to immediate interest. "You don't say! To what part?" "I don't know exactly."

It is possible that this might be done without Congressional action, but, as the matter is debatable, I earnestly recommend that the Congress enact a law providing that they be included under the civil-service law and put in the classified service. Oklahoma has become a State, standing on a full equality with her elder sisters, and her future is assured by her great natural resources.

The travellers pledged each other in Oklahoma whisky, and making a common cause once more, the original Trio put in a night of it. The Boy and the Colonel turned into their bunks at eleven o'clock. They were roused in the small hours, by Kaviak's frightened crying, and the noise of angry voices. "You let the kid alone."

Prom MRS. M.P.H. BEESON, of Oklahoma, Lady Manager. One-half cup sugar to one cup currant juice. Boil for fifteen minutes. This will make a lovely jelly. From MRS. GENEVIEVE M. GUTHRIE, of Oklahoma, Lady Manager.

People are just as likely to boast of an old building in Nashville as in Norwich; people are just as proud of old families in Boston as in Bath. But in Oklahoma the citizens do point out a colossal structure, arrogantly affirming that it wasn't there last week.