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For, first, the speech of the Irish or the Liberal member consumed so much time in itself and then one speech justified another; and thus the speech by the Irishman, or the Liberal, would give an excellent excuse for another series of harangues by the Obstructives.

Gibbs a very pestilent and very empty member of the young army of silly obstructives moved that the words be taken down an ancient formula not heard of for years till the present Session, when everything is turned to account for the purpose of occupying time and breaking down the House of Commons, and at the same time accused Mr. Swift McNeill of having used the words. Mr.

There are a certain number of persons who, when their minds have become stereotyped in foregone conclusions, are simply incapable of grasping new truths. They become obstructives, and not infrequently bigoted obstructives. As convinced as the Pope of their own personal infallibility, their attitude towards those who see that the old views are no longer tenable is an attitude of anger and alarm.

This kind of speech had another object it was to provoke Mr. Redmond into a speech. For it was all the same to the Obstructives who spoke provided only there was a speech.

The ministers, by this time, have made up their minds that the best course they can follow is to let Mr. Brown's friends have all the talk to themselves, but some independent members on the side of the Government are sure to be provoked into making speeches denouncing the obstructives and thereby only helping to obstruct. At length, when all Mr. Brown's friends have had their say and Mr.

Above all, it has got to solve that most difficult problem of creating a Public Will and a Common Conscience in Europe, a conscience sensitive to the demands of a higher ethics, and a will to enforce its decrees against obstructives and recalcitrants. We do not see our way clear as yet, it is true. But we have a dim idea of the far-seen peaks towards which we must lift up our eyes.

Balfour and coercion had completely failed to do even as much as he had done. Mr. Balfour made a somewhat feeble reply. And finally, in spite of a strong whip, the Tories were beaten by forty-five the normal Liberal majority. But all this was but the preface to uglier and worse work which was to come later on. Supply is the happy hunting-ground of obstructives.

Umbrella and husband went right between two of the feminine obstructives; and to the inconceivable astonishment and horror of the assailant, husband and umbrella instantly vanished. The three small furies had pounced upon both.

After the second reading of the new Reform Bill there set in that first great systematic performance of obstruction which has been the inspiration, the lesson, and the model to all the obstructives of later years.

As speakers of eloquence as Obstructives as Parliamentarians of exhaustless resources as gladiators, tireless, brave, and cool and, again, as stormy Parliamentary petrels fierce, disorderly, passionate the Irish members have been known to the House of Commons and to all the world during all the long series of years through which they have been fighting out this struggle.