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"O, never mind, leave that to me," said the vile, wily knave, as he went to see to his arrangements for carrying the orphans to parts unknown. Father O'Shane, who had suffered severely from the effects of exposure to the late violent storm, no sooner found himself a little recruited, and the roads passable, than he prepared to return to his residence in the city.

All this was well calculated; but to say nothing of the character or affections of the son, Sir Ulick had omitted to consider Lady O'Shane, or he had taken it for granted that her love for him would induce her at once to enter into and second his views. It did not so happen.

When Father O'Shane called at the county house, he learned from an under official that the boss "warn't to home; and," said he, "the children hadn't been here mor'n a few hours, when a highly-respec'able farmer had taken them with him to bring up." He couldn't "tell nothin' about who the farmer was, or where he was from; but the children wor well done for, that's all."

Miss Black had frequently whispered, that if Lady O'Shane would show more spirit, she would do better with Sir Ulick; that his late wife, Lady Theodosia, had ruled him, by showing proper spirit; that in particular, she should make a stand against the encroachments of Sir Ulick's son Marcus, and of his friend and companion, young Ormond.

O'Shane, don't go to mistake me, I am not jealous of the man not capable of such a fellow as that a wild scatterbrains, who is not worth a sixpence scarce I have too good an opinion of Miss Dora.

But, after a day or two's journey from Castle Hermitage, when he was beyond his own and the adjoining counties, when he went into company with those who happened to know nothing of his connexion with Sir Ulick O'Shane, then he heard him spoken of in a very different manner. He was quite astonished and dismayed by the general abuse, as he thought it, which was poured upon him.

It happened some days after the conversation had passed between him and O'Shane, that Cornelius met O'Tara, the gentleman who had laid the bets about the cock-fight with Connal; and chancing to ask him what had prevented the intended battle, O'Tara told all he knew of the adventure.

Mademoiselle was quick in her operations when dress was in question: the preparations for the delightful journey were soon made the morning for their departure came the carriage and horses were sent over the water early and O'Shane and Harry afterwards accompanied the party in the boat to the other side of the lake, where the carriage waited with the door open.

Connal, perceiving he had overshot himself, made protestations of his innocence of the remotest intention of glancing at, or reflecting upon, or imagining any thing but what was perfectly angelic and proper in Miss Dora Miss O'Shane. "Then that was all as it should be," Mr.

Betty might discreetly have made in favour of a good dinner, was by no means, as he declared, a friend or fauterer of Sir Ulick O'Shane how could he, when Sir Ulick had recanted? The priest looked with horror upon the apostasy the King with contempt upon the desertion of his party.