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There was a desperate battle between these two, in which first one had the advantage and then the other, until both were exhausted and declared a truce. While he rested, Star Boy continued to fan himself with his great fan of eagle feathers, and the snow melted so fast that North-Wind was forced to arrange a treaty of peace, by which he was only to control one half the year.

I will take no money more than for my needs. 'You spoke of certain sums down in Wales. 'I did then. Her voice was dead. 'Ah! You must be feeling the cold North-wind here. 'I do not. You may feel the cold, my lord. Will you enter the house? 'Do you invite me? 'The house is your own. 'Will the mistress of the house honour me so far? 'I am not the mistress of the house, my lord.

Some, in the true spirit of reckless enterprise, went on board a ship of an hundred and twenty guns; the vast hull drifted with the tide out of the bay, and after many hours its crew of landsmen contrived to spread a great part of her enormous canvass the wind took it, and while a thousand mistakes of the helmsman made her present her head now to one point, and now to another, the vast fields of canvass that formed her sails flapped with a sound like that of a huge cataract; or such as a sea-like forest may give forth when buffeted by an equinoctial north-wind.

So she went sorrowfully on, till Winter, riding on the strong North-Wind, came rushing by, with a sparkling ice-crown in his streaming hair, while from beneath his crimson cloak, where glittering frost-work shone like silver threads, he scattered snow-flakes far and wide. "What do you seek with me, fair little Spirit, that you come so bravely here amid my ice and snow?

The air had been cooled by the storm, a fresh north-wind was blowing, and, notwithstanding the early hour, there were a number of boats sailing over the deluged fields before the breeze. The songs of the rowers, the plashing strokes of their oars and the cries of the birds, all contributed to enliven the watery landscape of the Nile valley, which, though varied in color, was somewhat monotonous.

But to return to the winds. Certain people impress us as the winds do. Mandeville never comes in that I do not feel a north-wind vigor and healthfulness in his cordial, sincere, hearty manner, and in his wholesome way of looking at things. The Parson, you would say, was the east wind, and only his intimates know that his peevishness is only a querulous humor.

I can make money among Andrew Binnie's feet, for all he thinks so much of himself. A friend's claims are before money-making. I'll stand to that, till all the seas go dry." "Andrew has very strict ideas; you must have found that out, Jamie, and you should not go against them." "Andrew is headstrong as the north-wind. He goes clear o'er the bounds both sides.

But to return to the winds. Certain people impress us as the winds do. Mandeville never comes in that I do not feel a north-wind vigor and healthfulness in his cordial, sincere, hearty manner, and in his wholesome way of looking at things. The Parson, you would say, was the east wind, and only his intimates know that his peevishness is only a querulous humor.

The boat flies like a swallow." "This fresh north-wind brings us forward," answered Theopompus. "And then the Egyptian boatmen understand their work splendidly." "And row all the better just because we are sailing against the stream," added Croesus. "Resistance always brings out a man's best powers."

It was eleven of the clock at night when he entered into the port: an hour afterwards, the house of Christopher Miranda, adjoining to that of Gonçalez, happened to be on fire. The north-wind then blowing, and the building being almost all of wood, the burning began with mighty rage, and immediately a maid belonging to the house was burned.