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Then again he fairly shocked them by making the organization non-sectarian, and securing one of the best tacticians in the city to instruct the boys in military science.... From the first the company has clearly demonstrated that it is the best-drilled military organization in the city, and the number of prizes fairly won demonstrates this.

The regulations declare it to be the duty of the trustees "to prohibit sectarian instruction, but to have taught the immortality of the soul, the existence of an all-wise and benevolent Creator, and that obedience to His laws is the highest duty of man." Both of these colleges, reported as "non-sectarian," generously provide buildings and pastors for religious services and lectures. Dr.

In a few words, this is its motive and its plan: To help the children of the poor in developing and ennobling their lives by giving them books and a friend. The home library idea was evolved, not by a librarian, but by Mr. Charles W. Birtwell, secretary of the Children's Aid Society in Boston, a very old non-sectarian society. It grew up in a most natural way.

Anything else leads to oppression and injustice, but this can never lead to either." A notable part of the speech was a defence of free, non-sectarian education. "I can conceive," he said, "nothing more unprincipled than a scheme to array the youth of the province in sectarian bands to teach them, from the cradle up, to know each other as Methodist boys, and Presbyterian boys, and Episcopal boys.

He went to church quite regularly, but was non-sectarian, and was just as apt to appear at the Eskimo Mission Chapel as at St. Mary's when the Bishop preached. Rarely did he fail to be at all Council Meetings, informal receptions, and formal balls.

Peter in Rome.” The emergence of a firmly knit community, advancing the claims of a world religion, with ramifications spread over five continents representing a great variety of races, languages, classes and religious traditions; provided with a literature scattered over the surface of the earth, and expounding in several languages its doctrine; clear-visioned, unafraid, alert and determined to achieve at whatever sacrifice its goal; organically united through the machinery of a divinely appointed Administrative Order; non-sectarian, non-political, faithful to its civil obligations yet supranational in character; tenacious in its adherence to the laws and ordinances regulating its community lifethe emergence of such a community, in a world steeped in prejudice, worshipping false gods, torn by intestine divisions, and blindly clinging to obsolescent doctrines and defective standards, could not but precipitate, sooner or later, crises no less grave, though less spectacular, than the persecutions which, in an earlier age, had raged around the Founders of that community and their early disciples.

The Public School Society had been organized for the free and non-sectarian education of all children unable to meet the expense of education in the private schools, and received subsidies from the municipality.

The main issues in this contest, both forced by George Brown, were 'Representation by Population' and 'Non-sectarian Schools' otherwise No Popery. These cries told with much effect in Upper Canada. 'Rep. by Pop., as it was familiarly called, had long been a favourite policy with Brown and the Globe.

This House of Refuge is to be non-sectarian, non-religious, humanitarian, in the broadest sense of the term. Ah! There's Belle now," and I gave a sigh of relief as I heard my wife's latch-key in the front door.

Larrabbee's death, she had, with characteristic grace and ease, taken up philanthropy; become, in particular, the feminine patron saint of Galt House, non-sectarian, a rescue home for the erring of her sex. There were, too, in this higher realm of wealth in and out of which Hodder plunged, women like Mrs. Hodder's classes.