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He gave orders that McGilveray should proceed at once aboard the flag-ship, from whence he should join Anstruther's regiment at Cap Rouge. The General entered the boat, and McGilveray followed with some non-com. officers in another. It was now quite dark, and their motions, or the motions of the vessels of war, could not be seen from the French encampment or the citadel.

"I expect he'll bust me," said Sergeant Mock. To "bust" is the same as to "break." It means to reduce a non-com to the ranks. "Are you going to stand it?" demanded the stranger. "Fat chance I'll have to beat the captain's game!" declared Mock angrily. "But are you going to pay him back?" "How?" "Listen. I was in the Army once, and I don't like these officer boys.

Soap or any other fatty substance was by that time very scarce in Germany, amongst the lower classes at least. I was the only "non-com" in our lot, and so put up the stripes I had taken down to avoid giving Augen Rechts at Vehnmoor. I used that authority now to persuade my fellow Britishers to give to the unfortunate Russians rather than to the French, who, like ourselves, were receiving parcels.

"But ain't no good throwin' yerself in where it don't do no good.... A guy wants to get on in this army if he can." "What's the good o' gettin' on?" said the corporal. "Won't get home a bit sooner." "Hell! but you're a non-com." Another train of motor trucks went by, drowning their Talk.

Over to one side was Commander Jeffers, standing next to a white-faced Ensign Vaneski. Nearby were a chief non-com and three enlisted men. "Hullo, Mike," Pete Jeffers said as Mike the Angel came in. "What happened, Pete?" Mike asked. Jeffers gestured at the sprawled figure on the floor. "We came in here to search. We found him.

Outside the cell door Thane's eyes gradually focused in the light. The guard was one he hadn't seen when they'd brought him in. Apparently he'd been in the cell through at least one watch, possibly longer. They walked down the long row of doors to the registry room. The room was bare except for a bench along one wall, a chair and a small table. A non-com sat behind the table.

I say, I've pushed on, quite by myself, for fully twelve miles," said the hoarse note of the non-com.'s vibrator. "When I reached Roberts' Horse the chief said I was d d lucky to get through!" "Good on you!" replied his admiring hearer. "This is a bit different from old Tyneside, ain't it?" "Cheer up; we shall soon be in Pretoria."

"Nothing on earth would finish me quicker than to get anybody who trusted me into a worthless thing." "It's plain," observed Boots, "that although you may have been an army captain you're no captain of industry you're not even a non-com.!" Selwyn laughed: "Do you really believe that ordinary decency is uncommon?" "Look at Long Island," returned Boots.

If one part of the line was not up, if a section was being buffeted by salvos of shells, the officers had to meet the emergency; and officers as well as men were falling, companies being left with a single officer or with only a "non-com" in charge. Unless a man was down he knew that his business was to "get there" and his direction was straight ahead in line with the men on his right and left.

They're hot about it at the non-com. mess, I can tell you, sir." "Eh eh," croaked old Brewster. "By Jimini! it wouldn't ha' done for the Dook; the Dook would ha' had a word to say over that." "Ah, that he would, sir!" cried the sergeant; "and God send us another like him. But I've wearied you enough for one sitting.