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The Kid lifted one small foot and laid a grimy finger in front of his heel by way of illustration. "Yes?" Chip's eyes twinkled briefly and immediately became intent upon his work. "Yes, and Doctor Dell has got to let me sleep in the bunk-house with the rest of the fellers. And I ain't going to wear a nightie once more! I don't have to, do I, Daddy Chip? Not with lace on it.

She managed to put her arms around my neck when I took her up from the bed, all tucked away in her warm little nightie, and sleepily presented her own little throat for me to kiss, that particular spot being where the honey came from in her dispensation of sweets. I was full of exuberance. An irresistible impulse to do a jig seized upon me.

Nancy piloted them back to South, and as Sally May's luggage had not come she was fitted out with what she needed. Nancy went to the housekeeper's room for soap and a toothbrush Mrs. Bronson kept a supply for such emergencies; Josephine donated her best crêpe nightie in which Sally May was presently to look quite lost, so large was it; and Judith got out her newest and prettiest kimono.

I was such a far ways, Doctor Dell, and I couldn't get back to hear them stories and I've most forgot about 'em. And tell about Whizzer, Doctor Dell." The Little Doctor rocked him and told him of the old days, and she never again brought him his lace-trimmed nightie at bedtime. She never mentioned his language upon the subject, either.

I'm a good sport, you know, and not especially finicky, but I'd like to " "How is she? Is she resting? Does she seem " "Well, she's stretched out in my bed, with my best nightie on, and she seems to be doing as well as could be expected," said Miss Thackeray dryly. "Has she had coffee and " "I am going after it now. It seems that she is in the habit of having it in bed.

And then there was the little girl, who usually would wake up and in her "nightie" come out of bed and sleepily smile at me and climb on to my knee and nod off again. I thought of them, to be sure, of the hours and hours in wait for them, and a great tenderness came over me, and gratitude for the belated home they gave an aging man... And slowly my mind reverted to the things at hand.

'And if we had, said Anthea, who had come in in her nightie when she heard the silvery voice of the Phoenix, 'we could never, never have expected it to hatch anything so splendid as you. The bird smiled. Perhaps you've never seen a bird smile?

I shall always lock and bolt my door in future." "Isn't there an old saying that love laughs at locksmiths?" inquired Don Carlos, his expression still sphinx-like, but his eyes twinkling. "You looked delicious in your nightie and boudoir cap, Myra." "I shall remember to put on my dressing gown next time I am expecting burglars," responded Myra, flushing slightly.

"Shut the door, Keno, and sit outside, and tell any more that come along, the show is over for the day," instructed Jim, at last. "The boy is goin' to bed." "Did he bring a nightie?" said Keno. "Forgot it, I reckon," answered Jim, as he took the tired little chap in his arms. "If only I had the enterprise I'd make him one to-night." But it never got made.

So she had, perforce, to submit to his taking off her dressing-gown, and the glowing ardour and admiration in his dark eyes when she stood before him clad only in her filmy, sleeveless "nightie" brought the hot colour flooding back to her fair face again. "Once before, Myra mia, I have seen you like this on that night in Scotland when I put my letter on your pillow," breathed Don Carlos.