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All public men, especially if they have the brilliant mental qualities of Disraeli, receive such letters. The sensitive neurotic female who is ill-appreciated in her own home and whose soul yearns for a "higher companionship" is numerous.

One may describe it as ascetic, anæmic, sentimental, hysterical, neurotic; but the men and women who possess this fragile organism show, as a rule, powers of endurance and a strength of will by no means characteristic of the average sanguine and sensual creature who eats, drinks, fights, loves, and does his best in a world which he calls vile, yet would not renounce for all the ecstasies of Paradise.

"The elder, Hilton Fenley, is a neurotic, like myself, so he would shine with equal luster as a saint, or a detective, or a dyed-in-the-wool thief. The younger, Robert, ought to be an explorer, or a steeplechase jockey, or an airman. In reality, he is a first-rate wastrel.

It is not true that sensitiveness is confined to those who are diseased, weak of will, neurotic, or hysterical. Those who are susceptible to psychic influence may be impulsive, warm-hearted, spontaneous, sociable, and not by any means, or of necessity, weak-minded or vicious." Dr.

Your success, of course, is great, Doctor Isaacson. Indeed, I wonder you are able to take a holiday. I wonder the ladies will let you go." He smiled, and touched his moustache affectionately. "Why the ladies, especially?" "I understood your practice lay chiefly among the neurotic smart women of London." "No." Isaacson's voice echoed the dryness of Doctor Hartley's. "I'm sorry." "May I ask why?"

Of course, she did not in the least believe in Bruce's neurotic heart, but she did not want Madame Frabelle to know that. 'Ah! ah! that must cause him a great deal of pain, but I think so far his worst symptoms are his nervous fears.

It is easy enough for those who regard spiritual history as dead chronicle and its subjects as something different from ourselves, to look upon Rolle's threefold experience of the soul's reaction to God the heat of his quick love, the sweetness of his spiritual intercourse, the joyous melody with which it filled his austere, self-giving life as the probable result of the reaction of a neurotic temperament to mediæval traditions.

Gray has seen only one case of acute palmus, and records it as follows: "It was in a boy of six, whose heredity, so far as I could ascertain from the statements of his mother, was not neurotic. He had had trouble some six months before coming to me. He had been labeled with a number of interesting diagnoses, such as chorea, epilepsy, myotonia, hysteria, and neurasthenia.

The strong sanity which marked her, and which had always kept her in central paths, far away from the byways in which the neurotic, the decadent, the searchers after the so-called "new" things loved to tread, led her to welcome each season in is turn, and to rejoice in its special characteristics. So she loved the cloistral feeling autumn brought with it to Welsley.

"If it's a matter of life and death a person might walk down some other street!" "And I've no doubt," said Captain Prescott, "that if it were known her life, as well as her hat, hung upon it she might have had a different kind of peg." They laughed. "Oh, of course, the secret of it is," pronounced the Colonel, "she was a neurotic." For the first time Katie spoke.