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On meeting Howard again that evening, I was assured that Meyerbeer had spoken of me in terms of the highest praise. I then suggested his reading certain numbers of the Paris Gazette musicale, in which Fetis had, some time before, given a less favourable interpretation of Meyerbeer's views about me.

The only help we could hope for seemed to lie in journalistic work which, though rather unremunerative, had indeed given me the opportunity of making a little success. During the previous winter I had written a long article on Weber's Freischutz for the Gazette Musicale.

"We might give a musicale, and let Trilby sing 'Ben Bolt' to them," suggested Marguerite de Valois, with a giggle. "Don't be flippant, please," said Portia. "We haven't time to waste on flippant suggestions. Perhaps a court-martial of these pirates, supplemented by a yard-arm, wouldn't be a bad thing. I'll prosecute the case."

The diversions of society, the threads of others' lives, the curious, dangerous study of the feelings and emotions of those about her. Only a year ago she was such an ignorant little body, now she is so wise, and she sighs over it. The days are crowded full of enjoyment. Mrs. Latimer gives the loveliest tea and the most enchanting musicale with amateurs.

The danger of stage fright can be lessened and almost obliterated after a sufficient number of rehearsals, and with that poise and self-confidence that comes with true culture, one should be able to stand before the largest audience without embarrassment or nervousness. It is one of the rewards of correct training. As in the musicale, silence is essential.

To Ebenezer, watching her, came like a haunting memory the witch's cry, "Hair, stranglin' ye God, what hair!" But he dismissed the suggestion easily and turned to Helen, smiling. "Why not bring Miss Skinner to the next musicale and have her sing?... Wouldn't you like that, Tess?" "I'd get scared stiff," gasped Tessibel, terrified.

"I am going to leave you," she said at last, "but not because I want to. If one conscientiously practices the metier of being a queen, one doesn't always find it amusing." What would that unhappy woman have said, could she have foreseen the calamities that were to befall her! In Rome I had the honor to be invited to a musicale at Queen Margharita's.

How often when you have tried to get a "rise" out of somebody opposite have you not had your neighbor cut in across you with some private depressing observation to your next neighbor! Private talk at a dinner-table is like private chat at a parlor musicale, only it is more fatal to the general enjoyment. There is a notion that the art of conversation, the ability to talk well, has gone out.

The afternoon reception is much the same affair, whether it be a tea merely, or a musicale, or a literary occasion.

After a ball, a morning musicale, and one other affair at which they met Bowdoin took Berenice to see his mother and sister, who were charmed. "Oh, you serene divinity!" he said to her, ecstatically, one day. "Won't you marry me?" Bevy looked at him and wondered. "Let us wait just a little longer, my dear," she counseled. "I want you to be sure that you really love me.