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But I stood firm, and I came away in a state of the blackest wretchedness and self-disgust I could never again bring myself to show my face at her house A little music-store was now my chief resort. It was kept by a man whom I had met at the synagogue of the Sons of Antomir, a former cantor who now supplemented his income from the store by doing occasional service as a wedding bard.

"Oh dear, no!" she returned, with her frightened glance; "I only heard him say some people preferred that kind of thing to sacred music, and one day I saw a copy of it in a music-store window in Clay Street, and bought it. Oh no! Tappington didn't teach it to me."

It appears, I told a man there how I'd been philanderin' with the musicians; how I had caught them in an off day at Springfield, Mass., and bought cornucopias of Pilsner until they would have broken down and wept had they not been near their instruments.... It was a big music-store, and he was a very good man. He sold me the orchestrelle that morning.

The cot had appeared there in the back of the music-store, behind a dark sateen curtain with too few rings on the wire. How little else was in there, nobody knew. But those passing in the late evening saw the blur of his kerosene lamp behind that curtain and were smitten by a realistic illusion of personal loneliness.

The difference between this horn and the one in the "music-store" window seemed to him just about the difference between two and eighty-five. He drew forth the green bill from his pocket. "Roddy," he said, "I'll give you two dollars for that horn." Sam Williams's mouth fell open; he was silenced indeed.

He had almost overtaken her when she stopped in front of a well-lighted window of a music-store. The light that fell on her face revealed to him a face of unusual beauty.

I could almost see the annoyed air with which her husband would receive me I sought out two usurers and begged each of them to grant me the loan, but they unyieldingly insisted on more substantial security than the bare story or my venture. I made other efforts to raise the money. I approached several people, including the proprietor of the little music-store. All to no purpose

What came of it, he had told Bedient in this way: "The Hatteras was to sail at night-fall, but on that morning I went into a music-store, not knowing what I wanted exactly, but a souvenir of some kind, a book about orchestras.

On his death, six years later, the widow supported herself by keeping a music-store, where the growing daughter absorbed much knowledge of the art. Soon she began regular study, and won her way into notice by her singing and piano-playing. Her sight-reading abilities were something phenomenal, and she could play from full instrumental scores with ease.

And for Amelia's responsive throb of feminine anger, she had spent fifteen years of sober country living with a man who had wrapped her about with the quiet tenderness of a strong nature, but who was not of her own generation either in mind or in habit; and Laurie had kept a music-store in Saltash, seven miles away, and remained unmarried.