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Sydney is, I do really think, the pleasantest place in the world for a child to live in, though two hot, muggy months of the year are to be avoided for health's sake.

But of course it broke up our goin' to fashionable places agin to eat he come out conqueror, after all men are deep. Wall, this mornin' it bein' kind of a muggy and cloudy one, I proposed that we should go and visit the Fishery Department.

Pretty late in the year for that, ain't it?" "Oh, we sometimes hear it even in winter. But, you see, the day has been unusually close and muggy. I felt a storm in the air this morning, and I'm not surprised. But I would be glad to see Jerry show up," continued the other, as he tapped each pin a few times, to send them in more securely. The muttering in the distance increased constantly in volume.

On the whole I have had a very good time." Aunt Raby opened her mouth to emit a prodigious yawn. "I don't know how it is," she said, "but I'm a bit drowsy to-night. I suppose it's the weather. The day was quite a muggy one. I'll hear your news another time, Priscilla; but don't you be turned with the vanities of the world, Priscilla.

There had been a shower that turned the dust of the unpaved roadway to mud. The air was close and muggy. The houses, built right up to the sidewalks, over which, in little gutters, the steaming sewage ran, seemed to have discharged their occupants into the street to enjoy the cool of the day. Barefooted children by the score paddled in the mud.

Quinn went on; "an' the atmosphere is kept moist by lettin' steam escape from pipes into the room where the linen is bein' woven a damp, muggy, steamy atmosphere, Henry ... an' Lizzie McCamley left this village ... left work in the fields there to go up to Belfast an' work in that for ten shillin's a week! An' that's what people calls progress!

On the top of the next little ridge Hare heard Silvermane snort as he did when led to drink. There was a scent of water on the wind. Hare caught it, a damp, muggy smell. The sheep had noticed it long before, and now under its nearer, stronger influence began to bleat wildly, to run faster, to crowd without aim. "There's work ahead. Keep them packed and going. Turn the wheelers," ordered August.

I hate to fight on a muggy, leaden, dispirited day, weeping like a widow! It's as crisp as mint, this morning hey, Doctor?" "I find," said the doctor, in a preoccupied tone, "that I've left my best probe at home. However, no matter I've one I can use. "I hear wheels," remarked Rand. "He is on the hour."

Wherever we went there was the sun, lavish and unstinted, working nine hours a day, with the colour and the clean-cut lines of perspective that he makes. That any one should dare to call this climate muggy, yea, even 'subtropical, was a shock. There came such a man, and he said, 'Go north if you want weather weather that is weather.

Towards Villeroy a number of battered Parisian taxicabs gave us the first hint of General Gallieni's clever maneuver which helped save the capital and then the wind brought towards us a nauseating odor, which paralyzed our appetites, and sent us doggedly onwards: the stench of the battlefield. The girls in the cart drew closer together, shivering, though the air was warm and muggy.