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"As a divine child yourself, you will enjoy the little ones in my school." "Whenever Father takes me, I will gladly go." A short time later the Ranchi VIDYALAYA was in gala array for the saint's promised visit. The youngsters looked forward to any day of festivity-no lessons, hours of music, and a feast for the climax! "Victory! Ananda Moyi Ma, ki jai!"

I had instantly seen that the saint was in a high state of SAMADHI. Utterly oblivious to her outward garb as a woman, she knew herself as the changeless soul; from that plane she was joyously greeting another devotee of God. She led me by the hand into her automobile. "Ananda Moyi Ma, I am delaying your journey!" I protested.

Many years ago, soon after their marriage, he took the vow of silence." The chela pointed to a broad-shouldered, fine-featured man with long hair and hoary beard. He was standing quietly in the midst of the gathering, his hands folded in a disciple's reverential attitude. Refreshed by her dip in the Infinite, Ananda Moyi Ma was now focusing her consciousness on the material world.

A few days later I heard that the Blissful Mother was staying at the home of a disciple in the Bhowanipur section of Calcutta. Mr. Wright and I set out immediately from my father's Calcutta home. As the Ford neared the Bhowanipur house, my companion and I observed an unusual street scene. Ananda Moyi Ma was standing in an open-topped automobile, blessing a throng of about one hundred disciples.

"It is beautiful here," Ananda Moyi Ma said graciously as I led her into the main building. She seated herself with a childlike smile by my side. The closest of dear friends, she made one feel, yet an aura of remoteness was ever around her-the paradoxical isolation of Omnipresence. "Please tell me something of your life." "Father knows all about it; why repeat it?"

May I thus atone for the sin I have today committed against you, my guru. "Even when I quietly accepted this proposal of my husband's, 'I was the same. And, Father, in front of you now, 'I am the same. Ever afterward, though the dance of creation change around me in the hall of eternity, 'I shall be the same." Ananda Moyi Ma sank into a deep meditative state.

"She recently visited my own little town of Jamshedpur. At the entreaty of a disciple, Ananda Moyi Ma went to the home of a dying man. She stood by his bedside; as her hand touched his forehead, his death-rattle ceased. The disease vanished at once; to the man's glad astonishment, he was well."

"Please, Ananda Moyi Ma," I said, "come with me to the garden. Mr. Wright will take some pictures." "Of course, Father. Your will is my will." Her glorious eyes retained the unchanging divine luster as she posed for many photographs. Time for the feast! Ananda Moyi Ma squatted on her blanket-seat, a disciple at her elbow to feed her.

Tiny face, tiny hands, tiny feet-a contrast to her spiritual magnitude! I put some questions to a near-by woman chela while Ananda Moyi Ma remained entranced. "The Blissful Mother travels widely in India; in many parts she has hundreds of disciples," the chela told me. "Her courageous efforts have brought about many desirable social reforms. We have to mother her; she takes no notice of her body.

Their faces shone with the affection she had effortlessly awakened. Casting aside every inferior attachment, Ananda Moyi Ma offers her sole allegiance to the Lord. Not by the hairsplitting distinctions of scholars but by the sure logic of faith, the childlike saint has solved the only problem in human life-establishment of unity with God.