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"Free, cousin. Too sadly free. And now NOW with what use for freedom?" He looked steadily into her eyes, dark in the heavy shadow of her musty mourning-veil. "For me wear colours!" In a moment more death had come, the doctor had silently attested it, and she had burst into sobs.

The food, my dear sir, and a well-ordered table, is the gist of a festival, and should there be the least failure in that, the whole is profaned and desecrated, and must be covered with a mourning-veil.

I fancy, if we were as much wrapped up in him as she is, we should make poor pioneers in the wilderness before us." But Kate could stand no more of this. With a choking sob she turned and fled up the stairway, crying as she disappeared: "Wait wait a moment; I must get my purse." When she reappeared, the heavy mourning-veil was drawn down, and Olympia, with a reassured glance, opened the door.

When two people do not know each other and will not meet again, the words exchanged between them, if they are not mere commonplaces, become fraught with a strange significance and leave behind them a trail of melancholy like a mourning-veil; it is the surprise of those voices which speak to each other and will never be heard again, the fleeting encounter between glance and glance, the smile which knows not where to rest and yet would fain enrich the remembrance with a ray of kindness.

Otherwise the walls were bare, except over the sofa, where hung, in a finely-carved and gilded frame, a painting, which however was covered with a large veil of black crape. Blucher conducted the two to this painting; for a moment he stood still and gazed on it gravely and musingly, and, raising his right hand with a quick jerk, he tore down the mourning-veil.

Since Napoleon's star had grown pale, and himself compelled to leave France as an exile, life seemed to Josephine also to be enveloped in a gloomy mourning-veil; she felt that her sun had set, and night come upon her. But she kept this feeling a profound secret, and never allowed a complaint or sigh to betray her grief to her tenderly-beloved daughter.

On the afternoon of her arrival, Edna leaned eagerly forward to catch a glimpse of her countenance, and as she threw back her long mourning-veil, and received her aunt's affectionate greeting, the first impression was, "How exceedingly handsome how commanding she is!" But a few minutes later, when Mrs.

"God will not hear that prayer, Joseph," replied Isabella; and as she spoke, her head sank upon his shoulder, and her long hair fell from its fastening, and, like a heavy mourning-veil, shrouded them both. Her husband held her close to his heart, and as he kissed her, she felt his tears drop upon her cheek.

Ah, with her last glance she would forever enchain that noble and beautiful face with her extended arms she would forever retain that majestic form. "Farewell, Anna, farewell!" The door closes behind him he is gone! A cold shudder convulsed Anna's form, a bodeful fear took possession of her mind. It lay upon her heart like a dark mourning-veil.