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Those were but the quarrels of a miserable little nation monopolizing the attention of the world, distracting it from more worthwhile matters. How could this event concern the martial Counsellor? The two nations would soon come to an understanding. Diplomacy sometimes amounted to something. "No," insisted the German ferociously. "It is war, blessed war.

The vast accumulations of wealth, so sure to follow the operation of usury, was hitherto unknown. Corporations, combinations for the handling of great interests, grasping the natural resources and monopolizing the natural wealth, gaining franchises covering a monopoly of privileges in transportation, light and communication by the telephone or telegraph, are comparatively recent.

Some new-fangled idea of raising kids you got in Washington?" "Perhaps. Did you ever realize that children are people?" "That's all right. I'm not going to have him monopolizing the conversation." "No, of course. We have our rights, too. But I'm going to bring him up as a human being.

Their legislation on all internal affairs, though lightly supervised by the mother country, was practically in their own hands. They exercised without interference the right of self-taxation, while the mother country exercised with as little interference the right of monopolizing their trade. Against this monopoly of their trade not a voice was as yet raised among the colonists.

He was the instructor of more than one of the young musicians around him, who all listened to his observations with profound attention. He was very fond of monopolizing the conversation and suffering himself to be admired.

When the railroad came in, Henry got a job as assistant baggageman. The conductorship was in sight twenty years away, but promised positively by a kind relative when something else appeared on the horizon, and a good job was exchanged for a better one. An enterprising Boston man had established a chain of grocery-stores along the coast, and was monopolizing the business or bidding fair to do so.

That there was some mode of excluding unskilled persons is probable; but no traces are to be met with either of monopolizing tendencies or of protective steps against inferior manufactures. There is no aspect, however, of the life of the Roman people respecting which our information is so scanty as that of the Roman trades. Inland Commerce of the Italians

"He certainly does not occupy it, since he has not yet arrived; but, once disembarked, he will occupy it." "Oh! oh!" "It is quite clear you are not acquainted with the English; they have a perfect rage for monopolizing everything." "That may be; but a man who has the whole of one house, is satisfied with it, and does not require two." "Yes, but two men?"

But, for rightly understanding the events which at last obliged him to abandon that post, it is necessary to explain the state of his affairs in Canada, and to advert to the jealousies which other traffickers cherished regarding his monopolizing projects in the western regions of the continent.

If Sir Victor were in love with herself, was not his fitting place by her side in this trying hour, instead of meandering about with Dithy? And what business had Dithy monopolizing another girl's lover? "I think I shall ride ever to Drexel Court between this and dinner," Sir Victor said. "I promised Hampton " Lady Helena laughed and interrupted: "And Lady Gwendoline is there I understand.