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The men who brought these tidings were highly excited; and no sooner did they make known what they knew, than all Mondoldo was in a tumult of marveling. Their story was this. Going at day break to the Motoo to fish, they perceived a strange proa beached on its seaward shore; and presently were hailed by voices; and saw among the palm trees, three specter-like men, who were not of Mardi.

And ever and anon, passed and repassed these, others in brave attire; with castanets of pearl shells, making gay music; and these sang Be merry, oh men of Mondoldo, A maiden this night is to wed: Be merry, oh damsels of Mardi, Flowers, flowers for the bridal bed. Informed that the preliminary rites were about being rendered, we repaired to the arbor, whither the body had been removed.

Understanding that the removal of the body would not take place till midnight, we thought to behold the mode of marrying in Mondoldo. Drawing near the place, we were greeted by merry voices, and much singing, which greatly increased when the good stranger was perceived.

The specific object of his thus striving after an erect posture, was to put himself in motion, and conduct us to his fish-ponds, famous throughout the Archipelago as the hobby of the king of Mondoldo. Furthermore, as the great repast of the day, yet to take place, was to be a grand piscatory one, our host was all anxiety, that we should have a glimpse of our fish, while yet alive and hearty.

But though I harbored no distrust of Borabolla's friendly intentions, I could not so readily consent to his request; for with Jarl for my one only companion, had I not both famished and feasted? was he not my only link to things past? Things past! Ah Yillah! for all its mirth, and though we hunted wide, we found thee not in Mondoldo.

Which paradoxical assertion implied, that the hospitality of Mondoldo was such, that in all directions it radiated far out upon the lagoon, embracing a great circle; so that no canoe could sail by the island, without its occupants being so long its guests.

But we were shocked to discover, that poor Karhownoo was not much in their thoughts; they were conversing about the next bread-fruit harvest, and the recent arrival of King Media and party at Mondoldo. From far in advance, however, were heard the lamentations of the true mourners, the relatives of the diver.

"Then merry may she be, whoe'er she is; and though woe be mine, I turn not from that to Hautia; nor ever will I woo her, though she woo me till I die; though Yillah never bless my eyes." Night passed; and next morning we made preparations for leaving Mondoldo that day.

He besought permission to return to Odo, there to await my return; and a canoe of Mondoldo being about to proceed in that direction, permission was granted; and departing for the other side of the island, from thence he embarked. Long after, dark tidings came, that at early dawn he had been found dead in the canoe: three arrows in his side.

The second day of our stay in Mondoldo was signalized by a noteworthy exhibition of the surgical skill of Samoa; who had often boasted, that though well versed in the science of breaking men's heads, he was equally an adept in mending their crockery.