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But there fell into my hands, by the way, a volume that deals exclusively with Gafsa Pierre Bordereau's "La Capsa ancienne: La Gafsa moderne" and, glancing over its pages as the train wound southwards along sterile river-beds and across dusty highlands, I became interested in this place of Gafsa, which seems to have had such a long and eventful history.

This letter may be compared with others of about the same date. In one (Aug. 3, 1514) he says: 'Ho lasciato dunque i pensieri delle cose grandi e gravi, non mi diletta più leggere le cose antiche, ragionare delle moderne; tutte si son converse in ragionamenti dolci, etc. Again he writes (Dec. 4, 1514): 'Quod autem ad me pertinet, si quid agam scire cupis, omnem meae vitae rationem ab eodem Tafano intelliges, quam sordidam ingloriamque, non sine indignatione, si me ut soles amas, cognosces. Later on, we may notice the same language. Thus (Feb. 5, 1515), 'Sono diventato inutile a me, a' parenti ed agli amici, and (June 8, 1517) 'Essendomi io ridotto a stare in villa per le avversit

I, La France moderne , and Vol. II, L'eglise catholique, la crise et la renaissance . For the Orthodox Church of the East see Louis Duchesne, The Churches Separated from Rome, trans. by A. H. Mathew .

These relics crumpled leaves of the old comic journals of the period from 1830 to 1855 are neither rare nor expensive; but I happened to have lighted on a particularly copious collection, and I made the most of my small good-fortune, in order to transmute it, if possible, into a sort of compensation for my having missed unavoidably, a few months before, the curious exhibition "de la Caricature Moderne" held for several weeks just at hand, in the École des Beaux-Arts.

To the next few years belong a series of 'giocose moderne e facetissime ecloghe pastorali, by the Venetian Andrea Calmo, composed in endecasillabi sdruccioli sciolti, and published in 1553.

John's gospel or some other gospel appropriate to the day. We shall on other occasions recur to various ceremonies of the mass . The language of our liturgy has descended to us as a precious legacy from the time when Peter and Paul preached in Rome. It would be incongruous that our ancient hierarchy robed in ancient vestments should perform our ancient liturgy in a moderne language.

We are not quite sure whether our spirited contemporary refers to justice or ju-jitsu; but, either way, it means to give the Huns a knock-out. "For British and Oversea soldiers and sailors who visit Paris a club is to be opened at the Hotel Moderne, Place de la Republique.

With her he made for Madeira, and, on the seventeenth of January, 1524, set sail from a barren islet in its neighborhood, and bore away for the unknown world. In forty-nine days they neared a low shore, not far from the site of Wilmington in North Carolina, "a newe land," exclaims the voyager, "never before seen of any man, either auncient or moderne."

Under the generic title of 'Les Victimes d'Amour, he made his debut with the following three family-romances: 'Les Amants , Les Epoux , and Les Enfants . About the same period he published a book, 'La Vie Moderne en Angleterre. Malot has written quite a number of novels, of which the greatest is 'Conscience, crowned by the French Academy in 1878.

The Lord of all went simply by on some errand of mercy, and men fell on their knees and crossed themselves as He went. After déjeûner at the Hotel Moderne, where now it was decided that we should stay until the Monday, we went down to the Bureau.