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Their blunders would not only endanger them but might menace the whole project." "So that leaves us with you three," Millaird said. "We'll recall what men we can and brief them again as fast as possible. But you know how long that will take. In the meantime " Ashe spoke directly to Webb. "You can't pinpoint the region closer than just the Baltic?"

"And just how long would it take them to dismantle a big base?" that officer countered. "At least a month. If we shoot a team in there in a hurry " Millaird folded his huge hands over his barrel-shaped body and laughed, without a trace of humor. "Just where do we send that team, Kelgarries? Northeast of a coastal point in Britain is a rather vague direction, to say the least.

It was on the morning of the fifth day while the three were studying a map Webb had produced that Kelgarries, followed at his own weighty pace by Millaird, burst in upon them. "We have it! This time we have the luck! The Reds slipped. Oh, how they slipped!" Webb watched the major, a thin little smile pulling at his pursed mouth. "Miracles sometimes do happen," he remarked.

Kurt laughed again, but this time he was amused. "They believe that they have. Only they are not as smart as they believe, the major and the rest, including Millaird! No, I have a fighting chance to get out of this place, only I cannot do it alone. That is why I have been waiting for them to bring in a new guy I could get to before they had him pinned down for good. You are tough, Murdock.

But I do know that I am not going to be sent into any wilderness where a savage may run a spear through me just to prove something or other for Major John Kelgarries, or for Millaird either. I will try my plan first." The urgency in Kurt's protest carried Ross past the wavering point. He, too, would try the cat.

Don't communicate with us until you have it!" "There is the possibility," Ashe pointed out, "the Reds may have more than one intermediate post. They probably have played it smart and set up a series of them to spoil a direct trace, as each would lead only to another farther back in time " "All right. If that proves true, just get us the next one back," Millaird returned.

"I suppose we could consider this critical, condition red," he said in such a dubious tone that he might have been begging someone to protest his statement. But no one did. Millaird was busy with the map. "I think we do, Miles!" He looked to Ashe. "You'll parachute in. The packs with which you will be equipped are special stuff.

"A wholesale attack on Beaker establishments would constitute a shift in history. The Reds won't dare that, not just on general suspicion. Remember, they are not any more eager to tinker with history than we are. No, they will watch for us. We will have to stop communication by radio " "We can't!" snapped Millaird vehemently.

If so, they must have been deliberately hunting us for some time, because we only used the beam as scheduled " "The Reds have patience and brains and probably some more of their surprise gadgets to help them. We have the patience and the brains, but not the gadgets. And time is against us. Get anything out of this, Webb?" Millaird asked the hitherto silent third member of his ruling committee.

"Doc," Millaird spoke over his shoulder to the fourth man of his following, "what is your report?" "Ashe must be under treatment for at least five days. McNeil's burns aren't too bad, and Murdock's slash is almost healed." "Five days " Millaird droned, and then flashed a glance at the major. "Personnel. We're tied down without any useful personnel.