United States or Guatemala ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

She took an interest in every unusual feature of the country through which the train was speeding, and noted each stop or increase of speed. She found a certain diversion, as she had often done before, in watching for the mile-posts and in keeping count of the miles.

The border troubles in India, the mutiny of '57, the Turkish atrocities in '95, the Pathan rising under Mad Mullah in '97, the French-Algerian difficulties, and the ever present reminder of Spain's three hundred years of struggle for supremacy in the Philippines, all serve as mile-posts on the road to good government.

So his father is the vihodar of Zeb, the headsman, the man who works in blood, not the blood of sheep and oxen, but the blood of men! This is his house, his territory. His house is shut out from the town, the boundary of his dominion is the gallows. Those stakes by the wayside with wheels fastened to them are his mile-posts.

On the mere fact of their persistence it had litle effect; but it clogged their snow-shoes, it wore them down. A twig tripped them; and the efforts of all three were needed to aid one to rise. A dozen steps were all they could accomplish without rest; a dozen short, stumbling steps that were, nevertheless, so many mile-posts in the progress to their final exhaustion.

Kent checked off the dodging mile-posts: the pace was bettering the fastest run ever made on the Prairie Division which was saying a good deal. But at Juniberg, twenty-seven miles out of Gaston, there was a delay.

I could feel the sleeper slam her flanges against the ball of the rail as we rounded the perfectly pitched curves, and the little semi-quaver that tells the trained traveller that the man up ahead is moving the mile-posts, at least one every minute. At the first stop, twenty-five miles out, the fat drummer snapped his watch again, but he did not say, "Huh." We had made up five minutes.

The world seems not to know, so cheerful is it all, that, with a sob, that sob of farewell which the soul gives the body, the spirit of a man is passing the mile-posts called Life, Time, and Eternity. Yet another glance into passing incidents before we follow the straight trail of our story.

If this were chance, surely there was some consistency in it all. Fortune always sets mile-posts on the road to her, and with a thrill Paul realized that he was still a young man and that this tiny suggestion from the destiny which directs poor mortals' affairs was not to be disregarded. The time for action had come. He descended briskly to the hall and scanned the visitors' list.

Like England, France was on the road to one-man power, but unlike England, the way had been marked by no liberal or constitutional mile-posts.

Here he was, playing for sight of an interesting girl, as another traveler timed the train-speed by the mile-posts, or counted the telegraph poles along the way. So he came out suddenly into the Pullman car ahead and almost stumbled over the nucleus of his meditations. She was half-kneeling beside a seat, clasping in her arms the figure of a little, old woman. He hesitated, stock still.