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Updated: September 3, 2024

And shall I tell you what they now say here of us I fear not without some cause even as Lipsius wrote of the French, 'De Gallis quidem enigmata veniunt, non veniunt, volunt, holunt, audent, timent, omnia, ancipiti metu, suspensa et suspecta. God grant better, and ever keep you and help me."

A Verno autem ex tepida Regione ad frigidam sese conferunt, æstus metu futuri: & alia de locis vicinis discedunt, alia de ultimis, prope dixerim, ut Grues faciunt, quæ ex Scythicis Campis ad Paludes Ægypto superiores, unde Nilus profluit, veniunt, quo in loco pugnare cum Pygmæis dicuntur.

Luce non grata fruor; Trepidante semper corde, non mortis metu Sed Seneca: Octavia, act i.

And shall I tell you what they now say here of us I fear not without some cause even as Lipsius wrote of the French, 'De Gallis quidem enigmata veniunt, non veniunt, volunt, holunt, audent, timent, omnia, ancipiti metu, suspensa et suspecta. God grant better, and ever keep you and help me."

"Parce metu, Cytherea, manent immota tuorum Fata tibi," &c. Notwithstanding which the goddess, though comforted, was not assured; for even after this, through the course of the whole "AEneis," she still apprehends the interest which Juno might make with Jupiter against her son.

Others have proposed a victorum metu, or a victo ob metum, or a victis ob metum. But these emendations are wholly conjectural and unnecessary. Guenther and Walch render a victore, from the victorious tribe, i.e. after the name of that tribe. But a se ipsis means by themselves; and the antithesis doubtless requires a to be understood in the same sense in both clauses.

Dacia lay between the Carpathian mountains on the north, and the Danube on the south, including Upper Hungary, Transylvania, Wallachia, and Moldavia. Mutuo metu. Rather a poetical boundary! Observe also the alliteration. Montibus. The Carpathian. Cetera. Ceteram Germaniae partem. Sinus. Its association with islands here favors the same interpretation. So Passow, Or., Rit.

Quomodo silvas saltusque penetrantibus fortissimum quodque animal contra ruere, pavida et inertia ipso agminis sono pelluntur, sic acerrimi Britannorum jam pridem ceciderunt: reliquus est numerus ignavorum et metuentium, quos quod tandem invenistis, non restiterunt, sed deprehensi sunt: novissimae res et extremo metu corpora defixere aciem in his vestigiis, in quibus pulchram et spectabilem victoriam ederetis.

Nam a Babylonia vsque in Sinay, aestimatur esse via duodecim dictarum, quamuis nonnulli citius perueniunt. De Monasterio Sinay, et reliquijs beatae Catherinae. Mons Sinay appellatur ibi desertum Syn: quasi in radice montis istius habetur Coenobium Monachorum pergrande, cuius clausura in circuitu est firmata muris altis, et portis ferreis, pro metu bestiarum deserti.

And shall I tell you what they now say here of us I fear not without some cause even as Lipsius wrote of the French, 'De Gallis quidem enigmata veniunt, non veniunt, volunt, holunt, audent, timent, omnia, ancipiti metu, suspensa et suspecta. God grant better, and ever keep you and help me."

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