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Afteh thet, our men all whut wuz left uv us wuz mekin' back towa'ds the river, with the yellin', whoopin' swarm o' hell's imps at our heels." "Who can depict the horrors of that day!" Gilcrest ejaculated. "It has been estimated that at least one-tenth of all the able-bodied men in Kentucky either fell on that battlefield, or were carried captive to meet lingering death by torture.

Eventually there was an ultimatum, and there was surrender, and then the installation of a puppet government and the ruthless bleeding of another captured planet for the benefit of the rulers of Mekin. The process was implacable. There was nothing to be done but submit, flee or die. Various parts of Kandar's population chose one or another course.

"But where are we goin'?" wailed Kitty in affright. "There 's no place to go to. We have n't got a house. Where 'll we go?" "Out o' town someplace as fur away from this damned hole as we kin git." The boy spoke recklessly in his anger. He had never sworn before his mother before. She looked at him in horror. "Joe, Joe," she said, "you 're mekin' it wuss.

You can't run an empire without a regular news system, and Mekin wouldn't depend on commercial ships for government business." "Good!" said Bors. "Thanks!" There was a pause. "What will you do now?" "Try to raise the devil somewhere else," said Bors. "Try to pick up another food-ship, probably. Maybe I ought to let this ship alone, to carry news of the pirate ship Isis back to Mekin, but No.

"Kandar shouldn't surrender even though there will be at least ten Mekinese to one Kandarian." She smiled at him, very oddly. "I suspect," she said, "that not everybody on the fleet will be killed. I'm sure of it. In fact, as my father would say, that's Talents, Incorporated information!" Bors frowned worriedly. The fleet of Mekin continued in overdrive, heading for Kandar.

"If I did," Bors answered, "I suspect that somehow that ship would land itself on Mekin and blow up as it touched ground." The vice-admiral raised his eyebrows. Bors saluted quickly and left. Presently he was back on the Sylva. His new command would be supplied with extra missiles from other ships. Despite the fleet action against the Mekinese, there was not yet a shortage of such ammunition.

But the young men who will go out in the fleet are not going there to make gestures! They simply and furiously hate Mekin for what it is about to do. They are going out to kill as many Mekinese as they can before they, themselves, are killed. They would call your speech nonsense. And I would agree with them." Bors said respectfully, "Yes, Majesty.

But anybody who's ever heard of Mekin will pick up her fantasies about graft and inefficiency in its government. Riots against Mekin, and so on. However, one wants not only to spread seditious rumors about villains, but also about say pirates who go about fighting Mekin. Tell her stories about your men, if you like. Anything that's material for heroic defiance-fantasies against Mekin."

But whut I can't stand is them Methodis' folks whut fall in an' out uv religion so of'en 'speri'ncin' a change o' heart ev'ry day in the week, an' mekin' the Lawd out a reg'lar Injin givah, bestowin' grace at ev'ry revival, an' tekin' it away soon's meetin's ovah.

Another wrenching flicker into overdrive and through breakout without pause. The cargo-boat was within ten miles. "Calling cargo-boat!" rasped Bors, in what would be the arrogant tones of a Mekinese naval officer hailing a mere civilian ship. "Identify yourself!" A voice answered apologetically, "Cargo-ship Empress, sir, bound from Loral to Mekin with frozen foods."