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Might I ask you how much the Albermarle is worth in your opinion?" "O!" replied Mr. McLain, "it would not be right for me to appraise it, as I own the same kind of property." "I see," replied the major. "Of course. What, then, would be a fair selling price for the Majestic? It seems superior in both locality and capacity." "Well," observed Mr.

They would also give credence to at least periodic inhabiting of the Mesa. The absence of house ruins, on the other hand, would explain why Hodge scouted Lummis' theory. The Indians explained to Miss McLain that a boy could climb blindfolded where he could not go open-eyed, a fact that all mountain engineers will substantiate. But what matters the quarrel?

McLain by earnest long-sightedness and industry succeeded in becoming a well-to-do citizen. Unfortunately, Mr. McLain invested most of his savings in a large banking institution, located on McGill Street The Montreal National Bank which a few months later was consumed in the conflagration.

From that date each year had increased the value of all property in this part of the city, so that this property alone, having five acres, would have placed its owner among the well-to-do citizens of the community. But this property was only a small portion of the holdings of Abram McLain. A unique building was this cottage.

Nannie Eaves: Nannie Eaves, age 91, born in McLain County, Ky. being a slave of William Eaves, never sold, address now R.R. #2, Hopkinsville, Kentucky. "I guess I was about twenty one years old wen I was freed." I'se was neber once treated as a slave cause my Massa was my very own Daddy. Ben Eaves my husband was a slave en chile of George Eaves my Massa's brother.

"Yes, I know," replied Case, "but I think he wants something that will grow while he is fighting the Boers, as he is looking every day to be ordered home." "Well," replied McLain, "I give you authority to sell him the Majestic, if you can. I'll authorize you to act as my agent." "Thank you," replied Case, "but I'm not anxious to change employers." "But," answered McLain, "I'm not joking.

*Professor McLain has recently succeeded in causing a few queens to be artificially impregnated; but this has been the result of a veritable surgical operation, of the most delicate and complicated nature. Moreover, the fertility of the queens was restricted and ephemeral. While she lives in their midst the lovers about her know not what she is.

Gentlemen, you certainly have the making of a great city here in Montreal." "We think so," said the mayor. "Yes," added Mr. McLain, "we think that much of it is already made. We have already the best schools, the best churches, the best hotels and shipping wharves on the continent, and," he added, smiling, "the most beautiful women in Canada."

McLain had accumulated a large fortune, which, promptly invested in real estate and safe stocks which were continually enhancing in value in this rapidly growing municipality, soon placed him among the accredited millionaires of Canada. The cottage which he owned and in which he lived was built of gray stone, one tall story in height, and crowned with a French roof.

McLain dropped his head slightly, and then suddenly replied: "No, sir, but I would sell for forty thousand pounds cash, English money." "Very well, Mr. McLain, make out the necessary papers, and on one week from today I will pay you forty thousand pounds in Bank of England notes." "All right, Major, I will meet you at the Montreal National Bank one week from today, at 12 o'clock.