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It is true that manipulative work, like everything else, can be overdone and produce harmful effects upon the operator. But within reasonable limits, massage and magnetic treatments will not deplete the person giving them, providing he keeps his system in good condition. His own vibrations must be harmonious on all planes of being, the physical, mental, moral and spiritual.

Have you never considered that human relationships in particular are like the beautiful scents of flowers and these scents are the interaction with other entities." "Nay, these scents as you call them are manipulative forces the flower trying to attract the bee to pollinate its kind, the gentleman wanting to get laid, the smiling businessman trying to woo in the money.

"Though a man should carve it into matter with the least possible manipulative skill, it will yet find interpreters. It is the soul that looks out with burning eyes through the most gross fleshly filament.

A beautifully-timed, fine glide, the machine stealing down gracefully, and touching the aerodrome light as a feather, at a precise spot the airman has decided on even when he was several thousand feet high, is a delightful spectacle for the onlooker, and a keen pleasure also from the point of view of his manipulative skill to the aviator himself.

Suppose manipulative treatment should succeed in stopping a fever instantaneously. This may be all right for the practitioner; but what about the patient? In the long run it can only have one result, and that is chronic disease. Legitimate Scope and Natural Limitations of Mental and Metaphysical Healing

Mr. Munro is, with the aid of Mr. Warwick's manipulative skill, extending this portion of his investigation further by experimenting with gauzes and coils of various metals forming other couples in the thermo-electric series, as well as with iron and other gauzes electrotyped with bismuth and other metals, and we hope in due time to lay the results of those experiments before our readers. Mr.

No poisonous drugs, nor any medicines or applications which may check or suppress the feverish, inflammatory processes. Homeopathic medicines, herb decoctions and specific nutritional remedies when indicated. ~V. Manipulative Treatment~ Osteopathy, massage or magnetic treatment when indicated and available. ~VI. Mental Attitude~ Courage, serenity and presence of mind are important factors.

When the vital organs and their functions are weak and inactive or when nerves, muscles, ligaments and other connective tissues are in a relaxed, atonic or atrophic condition, certain stimulating movements applied to the nerves where they emerge from the spinal column will energize the vital functions all through the system. Many patients imagine that such manipulative treatment is superficial.

The HOME SECRETARY has determined to put a stop to the practice of whistling for taxicabs in London. It is suggested that he would confer a still greater boon on his fellow-townsmen if he would provide a few more taxis for them not to whistle for. Mr. PETO complained once more of the refusal of the War Office to employ "manipulative surgeons" in the Army, and called in aid the testimony of Mr.

Yet again, it sets going sundry manufactures which were before impossible, from lack of a material fit for the requisite tools. And all these changes react on the people increase their manipulative skill, their intelligence, their comfort, refine their habits and tastes.