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Outside the Naam-Hoi Prison The Punishment of the Cangue Crime and Misery A Birthday Banquet "Prisoners and Captives" Prison Mortality Cruelties and Iniquities The Porch of the Mandarin The Judgment-Seat The Precincts of the Judgment-Seat An Aged Claimant Instruments of Punishment The Question by Torture

Robert Hart has been thoroughly organized, is having a great influence in civilizing the government, as well as in diffusing European ideas and methods among the people. A fixed rate of charges, an honesty of administration which is beyond question, prompt activity in the transaction of business, have replaced the depredations and the old methods in use under mandarin rule.

At length, having walked round two-thirds of the walls, we entered a defile, leading to one of the gates of the city, but to our surprise, when we arrived at the gate, we found that it was locked, and when the cause was demanded, we were informed that the mandarin refused to allow the soldiers to enter, but that the officers would be admitted alone.

This reply was not deemed inept by most of those who heard, and they even pressed upon the one who spoke slight gifts of snuff and wine. The Mandarin Shan Tien, however, held himself apart. "It is doubtful if your lips will be able thus to frame so confident a boast when to-morrow fades," was his dark forecast.

The fisherman spent several days in the cave, satisfying his hunger with the green slime, which he found edible and which tasted like rice-mush. At last he found a way out again. He told the district mandarin what had happened to him, and the latter reported the matter to the emperor. The emperor sent for a wise man and questioned him concerning it.

I can buy her another mandarin when the old peddler comes to the door, if that's all. I CAN do no more, CAN I?" said she, again turning round to her companions. "No, to be sure," said they; "that's all fair." Cecilia looked triumphantly at Leonora. Leonora let go her hand; she ran on, and the crowd followed.

"The mistake is, nevertheless, very natural; for, however miraculous it may appear, this unseemly individual, who is in reality merely a writer of spoken words, is admitted to be exceedingly like the dignified Mandarin himself, though somewhat stouter, clad in better garments, and, it is said, less obtuse of intellect.

Fat bears'-paws, brought from the dark forest fifty miles away, these will do for that comfortable-looking mandarin with the red ball on the top of his cap. I think he has eaten something of the same kind before. A birds'-nest soup for my lady in the great house on the hill; birds' nests brought from the rocks where the waves dash, and the birds feel themselves very safe.

"It is not the corpse of a mandarin that the train is taking to Pekin, but the imperial treasure, value fifteen millions, sent from Persia to China, as announced in the Paris newspapers eight days ago; endeavor to be better informed for the future." "Millions there are millions in that pretended mortuary van!"

It appears that by this time "Oldtown Folks" was fairly off her hands, and she was free once more. She evidently found Mandarin very much to her mind, and wrote contentedly therefrom, save for a vision of having to go to Canada in the early spring to obtain the copyright of her story. The visits to Florida had now become necessary to her health.