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Miss Anne, I cannot help wishing Mrs Charles had a little of your method with those children. They are quite different creatures with you! But to be sure, in general they are so spoilt! It is a pity you cannot put your sister in the way of managing them.

Gallilee was as complete a mistress of the practice of domestic virtue as of the theory of acoustics and fainting fits. At dressing with taste, and ordering dinners with invention; at heading her table gracefully, and making her guests comfortable; at managing refractory servants and detecting dishonest tradespeople, she was the equal of the least intellectual woman that ever lived.

"He has never interested me much," she replied indifferently. She did not ask him to sit down. It would not have been etiquette in an age when women were by some odd misjudgment considered incapable of managing their own hearts. "Is that because he is in love, Mademoiselle?" inquired de Casimir with a guarded laugh. "Perhaps so." She did not look at him. De Casimir had not missed this time.

'Good-day, colonel, said Selwyn, crossing the room and just managing to intercept the great man. The ex-artist inclined his head with that nice condescension of the great who realise that they must be known by many whom it is impossible for themselves to know, when he noticed the features of the American. 'My sainted uncle! he exclaimed; 'if it isn't my old sparring-partner from Old Glory!

A first list of contributors included names of some notoriety in the literature of England and the literature of France. Speculators who wished to know, in the first place, on what security they might reckon, were referred to the managing committee, represented by persons of importance in the financial worlds of London and Paris. Being in a position to make the inquiries which Mrs.

He took emancipation for his own special and personal affair; it was a matter about which he had been doing much thinking very earnestly for a long while, and he had no notion of forming now any partnership for managing it. The trend, however, was not all in one direction.

Matt could not make out how much he really meant by saying that Northwick could be defended very fairly on the ground of insanity; and that he would enjoy managing such a defence. It was a common thing to show that a murderer was insane; why not a defaulter?

Especially when one hundred of it was promised for a typewriter? Harlan had parted with his managing editor on terms of great dignity, announcing that he had forsworn journalism and would hereafter devote himself to literature.

All the same, as she returned to her schemes both for regenerating the estate and managing the Squire schemes which were beginning to fascinate her, both by their difficulty and their scale she found her thoughts oddly interfered with, first by recollections of the past bitter, ineffaceable memories and then by reflections on the recent course of her relations with the Squire.

In the progress of this respectful address, after numerous but unsuccessful endeavours to grapple with this sort of unsoundness, suspicions have arisen that I have been pursuing a phantom; at times I have fondly imagined it within my immediate grasp, but it has always evaded my seizure with unaccountable dexterity: it even now appears that I could "clutch" it, as your Lordship distinctly asserts that, "lunacy properly understood is a very different thing from that sort of unsoundness which renders a man incapable of managing his affairs or his person."