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Can't blame him, if you come to think of it, for getting the wind up a bit in the circs. Bit thick, I mean to say, a sparring-partner going at him like that. Naturally he didn't think it much of a wheeze. It was my fault right along.

And say, Doc!" "Well?" "Here's the first thing I'll teach you. Never mister your sparring-partner." The Doc thought this out, laboriously, and presently said: "Very well, William." "Call me Buck, the same as all the boys." Klinker came toward him holding out an object made of red velveteen about the size of a pocket handkerchief. "Put these where you can find them to-morrow. You can have 'em.

'Good-day, colonel, said Selwyn, crossing the room and just managing to intercept the great man. The ex-artist inclined his head with that nice condescension of the great who realise that they must be known by many whom it is impossible for themselves to know, when he noticed the features of the American. 'My sainted uncle! he exclaimed; 'if it isn't my old sparring-partner from Old Glory!

It was the fact that Bugs Butler was lowering himself to extend his powers against a sparring-partner that shocked Mr. Burrowes. There is an etiquette in these things. A champion may batter his sparring-partners into insensibility if he pleases, but he must do it with nonchalance. He must not appear to be really trying. And nothing could be more manifest than that Bugs Butler was trying.

Oughtn't to have done it, of course, but somehow, when he started making an ass of me and I knew you were looking on... well, it seemed a good idea to have a dash at doing something on my own. No right to, of course. A sparring-partner isn't supposed..." "Sit down," said Sally. Ginger sat down. "Ginger," said Sally, "you're too good to live." "Oh, I say!"

You want some one made of sterner stuff. You want, as it were, a sparring-partner, some one with whom you can quarrel happily with the certain knowledge that he will not curl up in a ball for you to kick, but will be there with the return wallop. I may have my faults " He paused expectantly. Ann remained silent. "No, no!" he went on. "But I am such a man.

It would be too little to say that his bearing was confident: he comported himself with the care-free jauntiness of an infant about to demolish a Noah's Ark with a tack-hammer. Cyclone Mullinses might withstand him for fifteen rounds where they yielded to a K-leg Binns in the fifth, but, when it came to beating up a sparring-partner and an amateur at that, Bugs Butler knew his potentialities.

On the very day before the fight was to come off, the poor mutt who was going against the champion goes and lets a sparring-partner of his own knock him down and fool around with him. With all the newspaper men there too! You probably saw about it in the papers. It made a great story for them. Well, that killed the whole thing.

Ye'd have made a splendid middle-weight." "Well, have I a chance, do you think?" inquired Trevor. "Ye might do it with luck," said O'Hara, very doubtfully. "But," he added, "I'm afraid ye've not much chance." And with this poor encouragement from his trainer and sparring-partner, Trevor was forced to be content.

But Bayle was not a sceptic. It is hard to say what he was; his whole position as between faith and reason is hopelessly confused. He was a scholar, a wit, and a philosophical sparring-partner of so perfectly convenient a kind that if we had not evidence of his historical reality, we might have suspected Leibniz of inventing him.