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"Don Pasquale," an opera buffa in three acts, was first produced at the Théâtre des Italiens in Paris, Jan. 4, 1843, with the following extraordinary cast: NORINA Mme. GRISI. ERNESTO Sig. MARIO. DR. MALATESTA Sig. TAMBURINI. DON PASQUALE Sig. The scene of this brilliant and gay little opera is laid in Rome. Don Pasquale is in a rage with Ernesto, his nephew, because he will not marry to suit him.

I will perpetuate the crime and punishment by making a frightful example. Paris!; I I detest, I loathe it!" "Very fine, Anne. You are now sanguinary; but take care. We are not in the time of Malatesta and Castruccio Castracani. You will get yourself decapitated, my beautiful queen, and that would be a pity." "You laugh." "Faintly. It is dangerous to go to war with a nation.

From Venice with or without the sanction of his Government Bartolomeo d'Alviano had ridden south into the Romagna with his condotta immediately upon receiving news of the death of Alexander, and, finding Pandolfaccio Malatesta at Ravenna, he proceeded to accompany him back to that Rimini which the tyrant had sold to Cesare.

On Sunday, October 11 the day after Pandolfo Malatesta had relinquished Rimini news reached Pesaro that Ercole Bentivogli's horse was marching upon the town, in advance of the main body of Cesare's army.

II., Revival of Learning, p. 247. The Arch of Augustus at Rimini was the model followed by Alberti in this façade. He intended to cover the church with a cupola, as may be seen from the design on a medal of Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta. See too the letter written by him to Matteo da Bastia, Alberti, Opere, vol. iv. p. 397.

Numerous fiefs and villages fell into their hands upon the borders of Rimini in the course of a continued struggle with the House of Malatesta: and when Fano and Pesaro were added at the opening of the sixteenth century, the domain over which they ruled was a compact territory, some forty miles square, between the Adriatic and Apennines.

Venice, having reseated Malatesta on the throne, now vented at last the covetousness she had ever, herself, manifested of that dominion, and sent a force to drive him out again and conquer Rimini for the Republic. Florence, in a spasm of jealous anger at this, inquired was the Pope to become the chaplain of Venice, and dispatched Macchiavelli to bear the tale of these doings to Julius.

"A vain support these," thought the Colonna; "what next?" on, then, came in glittering armour the German mercenaries, hired by the gold of the Brothers of Provence, in number two hundred and fifty, and previously in the pay of Malatesta of Rimini; tall, stern, sedate, disciplined, eyeing the crowd with a look, half of barbarian wonder, half of insolent disdain.

So so. The flowers they are there." Trenta pointed to a table. He struggled to rise to fetch the bouquets himself. Malatesta was too quick for him, however. "Now bring up all the ladies and place them in chairs; bow to them," etc., etc.

No one with any tincture of literary knowledge is ignorant of the fame at least of the great Malatesta family the house of the Wrongheads, as they were rightly called by some prevision of their future part in Lombard history. The readers of the twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth cantos of the 'Inferno' have all heard of