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The guides spoke of a similar volcanic outcrop above Point Abu Madd to the south; and of a third close to Yamba' harbour. An hour of "stravaguing" walk showed us the first sign of the ruins: wall-bases built with fine cement, crowning the summit of a dwarf mound to the left of the road; well-worked scoria were also scattered over its slopes.

If Ptolemy's latitudes are to be consulted, Jebel Hassani would be the Timagenes Island in north lat. 25 40'; and the corresponding Chersonesus Point is represented by the important and well-marked projection "Abu Madd," which intercepts the view to the south.

I am afraid that they are so madd with this disapointment, that they will propose something to her that is dangerous, her brother having such power with her; so that really, till things be perfectly accommodatt, I do nott desire they should see her, and I know not how to manage her. So I hope you will send all the advice you can to your oblidged humble servant,

"'You don't mean to say, young woman, seshe, 'that you're not going to Lady Hangelina: what's her dear boy to do? who's to nuss it? Jeames and I lep into a one oss weakle, and told the driver to go like mad back to Gloster. "I can't describe my pore gals hagny juring our ride. She sat in the carridge as silent as a milestone, and as madd as a march Air.

In its madd course it bruised the side of a huge Llandudno hitched to a stout Tyn-y-Coed by the way-side. It bbroke its Bettws and leaped ynto the air. Ddeath stared us yn the face. David the whip grew ppale, and signalled to Absalom the gguard to save as many lives as he could and leave the rrest to Pprovidence. With a moan of baffled rrage, he sank to earth with a hheavy thuddw.

Yet cooking as she cooks Sam'l sticks on this and bids me wink my eyes and observe nothing, and such like are men! 21st. This day Sam'l his feast for the recovery of his ailment which he do always solemnly keep with great store of meat and Drink and company. And this is a great day with him and a troublous one with me, and to the Mayds also such as would madd a Saint.

With the blue and regular-lined curtain of Abu el-Ghurayr in front, stretching down coast to Ras Abu Madd, we bent gradually round to the north-east and east. We then left to starboard the settlement El-Amlij, a long line of separate 'Ushash, the usual Ichthyophagan huts, dull, dark-brown wigwams.

Up, and my throat being yet very sore, and, my head out of order, we went not to church, but I spent all the morning reading of "The Madd Lovers," a very good play, and at noon comes Harman and his wife, whom I sent for to meet the Joyces, but they came not. It seems Will has got a fall off his horse and broke his face.

There, according to Bradford, he set up a "schoole of athisme," and his men did quaff strong waters and comport themselves "as if they had anew revived and celebrated the feasts of ye Roman Goddes Flora, or the beastly practices of ye madd Bachanalians." Charges of atheism have been freely hurled about in all ages.

Soon afterwards he "did use such strang and idle kinde of gestures in laughing, dancing and such like lighte behaviour, that he was suspected to be madd." He began to suffer from bodily distortions and to evince other signs of possession which created no little excitement in Nottingham. Darrel had been sent for by this time.