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I've been keeping tab on the MacMorroghs for a good while: they are grafters; the kind of men who take it out of the company and out of their labor in a thousand petty little steals three profits on the commissary, piece-work for subs where they know a man's got to lose out, steals on the working hours, fines and drawbacks and discounts on the pay-rolls, and all that. You know how it's done."

Go down and tell the Italians that the company will stand between them and the MacMorroghs, and they shall have justice provided always that every man of them is back on the job again to-morrow morning. Who is Riley's interpreter now?" "Lanciotto." "Well, look out for him: he is getting a side-cut from the MacMorroghs and is likely to translate you crooked, if it suits his purposes.

It was a fight between rivals equals and Ford knew that it must go on until one or the other should be driven to the wall. Thus far, his antagonist had scored every point. The MacMorroghs had been helped into the saddle and held there. Mr.

Gallagher's intentions were good, but about three miles up Horse Creek he ditched the car so thoroughly that we couldn't inhabit it; so we got out and walked back." "All of which brings on more talk," said Ford gravely. "From what you say, I gather that the MacMorroghs are still here. Did any one see you come back?" "I don't know.

"Sure," agreed Frisbie, with his most diabolical grin. "Also, I know how it keeps the engineering department on the hottest borders of Hades, trying to hold them down. The good Lord deliver us!" "I wanted to throw their bid out without consideration," Ford went on. "But again Mr. Colbrith said 'No, adding that the MacMorroghs were old contractors on the line, and that Mr.

But if you accept MacMorrogh's bid, and he doesn't do the square thing by you and Mr. Frisbie, you may call me in as a witness, Mr. Ford. Does that clear up the doubt?" "Perfectly," was the quiet rejoinder. "Under these conditions, I suppose it is up to me to wire the executive committee, withdrawing my objections to the MacMorroghs, isn't it?" "That is the one thing Mr. MacMorrogh asks."

Really, it is his duty to shoot down any desperate laborer who, in the MacMorroghs' judgment, needs to be killed out of the way." "Mercy!" Miss Alicia was shuddering again. "What hideously primitive conditions! What is this terrible man doing out here?" "Oh, he is a free lance; comes and goes as he pleases. No, he's not quarreling with Dick" answering her look of anxiety.

A few hours ago this Mexican overheard me telling your sister what I proposed to do to North and the MacMorroghs. That's why he Ouch! Roy; that is my arm you're trying to twist out of joint, man!" "It's all right," laughed the Louisianian; "it is only a crazy-bone bump that you got when the bronc' threw you. Say, Ford; I thought you claimed to know how to ride a horse!"

Before he can do that, or until he does it, I'm going to pull the throttle wide open and race that discharge circular, if I go to jail for it, afterward! Who knows but I shall have time to save the day for the company after all? Good-by, dearest. In twenty minutes I shall be riding for the MacMorroghs' camp, and when I get there " "You are going to ride back? alone?

The conference held that night behind locked doors in the MacMorroghs' commissary office was a council of five, with Eckstein, as the mouthpiece of the vice-president, in the chair. Penfield was present, with no vote, and the three MacMorroghs voted as one; but as to that, there were no divisions. A crisis was imminent, and it must be met.