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"It won't be your fault if it doesn't work," said his son. "You certainly have done your best." "And so have you and Mr. Sharp and the others, for that matter. Well, I have no doubt but that everything will be all right, Tom." "There!" exclaimed Mr. Sharp the next morning, as he was adjusting a certain gage. "I knew I'd forget something. That special brand of lubricating oil.

Free docking, free coal, defects made good for nothing, an office and staff placed at our disposal, in fact everything was done with an open-hearted generosity. We took another 300 tons of patent fuel on board and nearly 100 tons of Insole's best Welsh steaming coal, together with the bulk of our lubricating oils.

Evidently a lubricating wad had been imperfect, and dampness had reached the powder. Like others of our ungulates, wild sheep are great frequenters of "licks" places where the soil has been more or less impregnated with saline solutions.

This slimy water, having washed out the stomach and small intestine, then passes into the large intestine, moistening and lubricating its contents and causing it to move gradually towards the rectum, where it stimulates a normal free passage of the bowels after breakfast. Any usual case of constipation will yield to this treatment.

He drew the animal out to its full length along the ground, so that its head lay towards him. He evidently purposed swallowing the head first in order to take it `with the grain' and he commenced lubricating it with the saliva that ran from his forked tongue. "While we sat watching this curious operation, our attention was attracted to a movement in the leaves over the spot where the snake lay.

Lear, the troublesome, Lear to whose limber tongue there was constantly leaping words unprintable and names of tar, deserves no soft pity at our hands. All his life he had been training his three daughters for exactly the treatment he was to receive. All his life Lear had been lubricating the chute that was to give him a quick ride out into that black midnight storm.

The best way to find the pounding is to throw a stream of heavy lubricating oil on the bearings, one by one, until the noise is silenced for the moment. Even the piston can be reached with a flood of oil and tested. It is not easy to tell by feeling whether a bearing on a gasoline motor is too free. The heat developed is so great that bearings are left with considerable play.

These are for lubricating oils and for the lighting of homes. The unnecessary uses are for burning in locomotives and for the development of power. Whenever new petroleum fields are opened up, there is a corresponding drop in price.

The nearest approach to a liniment that he possessed was a lubricating tube for guns, which he fortunately had with him. This afforded relief. It was daybreak when the pursuers took up the trail. The plateau on the crest of this range was in places several miles wide, having a luxuriant growth of grass upon it. The course of the robbers continued to the southwest.

It is chiefly recommended in sharp defluxions upon the lungs, hoarseness, dysenteries, and likewise in nephritic and calculous complaints; not, as some have supposed, that this medicine has any peculiar power of dissolving or expelling the calculus; but as, by lubricating and relaxing the vessels, it procures a more free and easy passage.