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His lordship, who was surrounded by a staff of officials in gorgeous liveries, was very glad to see us: indeed he told us so said that he was extremely gratified at receiving so highly respectable a company, and expressed more than once his satisfaction at finding that we were so ready to act in the cause of charity as to sacrifice our valuable time, and unite together for the succour of the distressed.

But how did your lordship " "Dr. Griffon and myself gave her the first assistance." "The first assistance? to her? where?" "On Ravageurs' Island, where she was saved." "Saved! Fleur-de-Marie! saved?" "By a good creature, who, at the risk of her life, drew her out of the Seine. But what is the matter, madame?" "Oh! sir, I dare not believe in so much happiness.

He had not had such a joyful turn for many a day. The widow moaned like a winter wind in a key-hole, and when his lordship at last descended from his perch she was wiping her eyes with her apron.

In his place, I should do the same." But even at that moment the Admiral raised his hand; in the waist, below him, a trumpet blared, and immediately the gunner on the prow touched off his guns. As the thunder of them rolled out, his lordship saw ahead beyond the English ship and to larboard of her two heavy splashes.

The House of Commons having honoured his Lordship by expelling him, when he was found guilty of being privy to the Stock Exchange Hoax, a dead set was made by the Westminster Rump to get Mr. Brougham elected in his place; and many private meetings were held at the Crown and Anchor for that purpose. These intrigues having been communicated to me by Mr.

Living or dead, we have taken it all to ourselves. 'It was a very fair, respectable congregation, said his aunt. 'Exactly so. That is my complaint. Everything belonging to his lordship is respectable except his son. 'Take care, Louis; here is Mary looking as if she would take you at your word. 'Pray, Mary, do they let no one who is not respectable go to church in Peru?

Their pride was satisfied with the absolute lordship of immense areas, while the ownership of land gave them the manifold benefits and greater profits of trading with the Indians at first hand. From a part of the proceeds they later built manors which were contemplated as wonderful and magnificent.

I'm no thinkin' 't; but 'deed I dinna ken, my lord!" said Malcolm. "What do you mean, then?" "Gien yer lordship wad aloo me to force yon door, I wad be better able to tell ye." "Then the old man is not quiet?" "There's something no quaiet." "Nonsense! It's all your imagination depend on it." "I dinna think it." "What do you think, then? You're not afraid of ghosts, surely?" "No muckle.

The colony having no treasurer, its revenue came into the hands of the receiver general for the crown, whence it was drawn by a warrant from the governor. Contests soon arose, between his lordship and the legislature, on the subject of money; the house requiring a statement of disbursements, and the appointment of a treasurer, to be controlled by them.

I understand that a certain Lord Roadster, eldest son of Lord Runnymede, is the present candidate for her favour or rather for her wealth; and that his lordship is patronized by her father.