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Emerson was ungainly in build, with narrow, sloping shoulders, large feet and hands, and a projecting carriage of the head, which enhanced the eagle-like expression of his glance and features. His long-skirted black coat was commonly buttoned up; he wore, on different occasions, a soft felt hat or a high silk one, the latter, from use, having become in a manner humanized.

"Isn't that devilish cunning?" he exclaimed. "Ah! Is there any creature slyer than womenkind?" "Ah, you long-skirted devil!" hissed his wife, frowning with vexation. "You wait a bit!" And settling herself more comfortably, she stared at the postman again. It did not matter to her that his face was covered.

The last words referred to Mariana, who at that moment appeared in the doorway of her room in a print dress that had been washed a great many times, with a yellow kerchief over her shoulders and a red one on her head. Tatiana stood behind her, smiling good-naturedly. Mariana seemed younger and brighter in her simple garment and looked far better than Nejdanov in his long-skirted coat.

He dismissed the men and went into the house to see about a conveyance and lunch. The whole of Markelov's household consisted of a man servant, a cook, a coachman, and a very old man with hairy ears, in a long-skirted linen coat, who had once been his grandfather's valet. This old man was for ever gazing at Markelov with a most woe-begone expression on his face.

"They didn't?" said Tom, with secretly repressed exultation. "Well, if they didn't, I guess she'll do. They are rather nice, I reckon and I meant they should be. Say, Mornin, suppose you dress her up and let me show her to the boys." He himself picked out the sumptuous long-skirted garments she was to wear and watched with the deepest interest the rather slow process of her attiring.

He therefore, as soon as the boat shoved off from the side of the felucca, ordered the sails to be clewed up, to allow her more easily to approach. As she pulled towards us, we were able to examine the people in her. He who sat in the stern-sheets was a little old man, with a little three-cornered hat on his head, and a blue long-skirted coat and waistcoat, richly laced.

'What swells! said Nazarka, 'Just like long-skirted choristers, and he walked a few steps down the road imitating the soldiers. Again everyone broke into peals of laughter. Lukashka came slowly up to Maryanka. 'And where have you put up the chief? he asked. Maryanka thought for a moment. 'We've let him have the new hut, she said.

"He used to go through all nations and to make a fight for the poor; he gave them room to live, and used to fight for them too. There is no doubt at all he did help them, he was well able to do it." "As to Shiel, he was small, dressed very neat, with knee-breeches and a full vest and a long-skirted coat.

The sun had risen, but the mist lay white as yet in the hollows and hung about the dripping trees. Earth and sky and sea called her. The girl slipped into her riding-boots, put her jersey on, and over it her worn long-skirted coat, twisted her bathing gown and cap inside her towel, and walked across the loft, the old boards shaking beneath her swift feet.

The others were long-skirted and clad gayer, and amongst them were red and blue and green and white garments, and they were clear to be seen for women.