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"Yes-s-s, sir?" says Mirabelle inquirin', with her best dollar-fifty-quality smile playin' around where the lip-stick has given nature a boost. "Hard gum drops," says I, "or chocolate marshmallows, or most anything in half-pound size. The main idea is a little chat with you." "Naughty, naughty!" says Mirabelle, shaking her head until the jet ear danglers are doing a one-step.

Bunbury, in his capacity of prosecuting attorney, ran his fingers through his hair in some embarrassment, for he was regretting now that he had made such a fuss. Miss Hobson thus assailed by an underling, spun round and dropped the lip-stick, which was neatly retrieved by the assiduous Mr. Cracknell. Mr. Cracknell had his limitations, but he was rather good at picking up lip-sticks. "What's that?

"I placed it with the rest of the properties after the last rehearsal." "You couldn't have done." "I assure you I did." "And it walked away, I suppose," said Miss Hobson with cold scorn, pausing in the operation of brightening up her lower lip with a lip-stick. A calm, clear voice spoke. "It was taken away," said the calm, clear voice. Miss Winch had added herself to the symposium.

Her hat was plainly a Paris model in strong contrast to the battered, flower-trimmed thing she had worn in the morning. She also had been using a lip-stick and an extra touch of color was on her cheeks. "Such sweet shoes!" ventured Josie in a mincing tone quite in keeping with her henna wig and lace ruffle. "My, you have a pretty arch!"

Connie Edwards had indeed produced a lip-stick from her gaudy bead bag, but after a fretful effort had flung it back. "What's the good? Who cares ?" And Cosgrave huddled closer to her, wan-eyed, hunted-looking. It was the ghost of that exam that wouldn't be laid the prophetic vision of the row that waited for him, grinding its teeth.

"Look at Helen's spiffy suit!" "Oh, money, money, what it will buy!" "Money'll never buy me, I'll say." "Marg, who's been fermentin' round lately? Girls, get wise to the flowers." "Hot dog! See Marg blush! That comes from being so pale. What are rouge and lip-stick and powder for but to hide truth from our masculine pursuers?" "Floss, you haven't blushed for a million years."

Now she put on her new moleskin cap, which made her face small and innocent, she rubbed off the traces of a lip-stick and fled across the alley before her admirable resolution should sneak away. The age of houses, like the age of men, has small relation to their years.

If ever a girl was spun dirt, that girl was me, but just the same it it's my husband laying there it's my husband, no matter what dirt he spun me. O God O O " At half after ten to a powdering of eye-sockets, a touching up with lip-stick, a readjustment of three-tiered hat, Miss Sidonia Sabrina took leave. There were still streaks showing through her retouched cheeks.

Josie felt she had found exactly the right place. She was sure that Miss Oleander could tell her about the Wallers and Chester Hunt, and what she didn't know Major Denton would. Josie had modified her appearance somewhat, lengthened her skirts, discarded the strings of beads, left off the paint and powder except for a becoming dash and put away her lip-stick until she might have use for it.

If it hadn't been for the odd shade of hair and the eyes I wouldn't have remembered her at all for the stringy, sloppy dressed flapper I used to see going in and out with the growler or helping with the sweepin'. Mame Stribble had bloomed out, for a fact. Also she'd learned how to use a lip-stick and an eyebrow pencil. I couldn't say whether she'd touched up her complexion or not.