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The Theory of Descent had its way prepared by the evolutionist ideas and the speculative nature-philosophy of Goethe, Schelling, Hegel and Oken; by the suggestions and glimmerings of the nature-mysticism of the romanticists; by the results of comparative anatomy and physiology; was already hinted at, at least as far as derivation of species was concerned, in the works of Linné himself; was worked out in thezoological philosophies,” by the elder Darwin, by Lamarck, Etienne Geoffrey St.

Among those scientists of the first rank who, far from being forced to the atheistic conclusion, recognized a wonderful harmony between science and revelation, was a Kepler, who was led by meditations on the harmony of theology with mathematics to follow those laborious calculations by which he first established the orbit of Mars and then of other planets; among them was a Newton, called by Justus Liebig "the most sublime genius in a thousand years," who asserted that his entire system of mechanics was untenable without the supposition of divine Power; a Davy, prince of chemists, who "saw in all the forces of matter the tools of Divinity;" a Linne, called by Prof.

After, indeed, Linne, by his invention of generic and specific names, had made classification possible, and by his own enormous labours had shown how much could be done when once a method was established, the science has grown rapidly enough. Honour to them, nevertheless. Honour to Ray and his illustrious contemporaries in Holland and France.

The bright streak crossing the Mare from N. to S. passes through Bessel. LINNE. A formation on the E. side of the Mare Serenitatis, described by Lohrmann and Madler as a deep crater, but which in 1866 was found by Schmidt to have lost all the appearance of one.

Linne, succeeded in saving this last outrage, at the head of the better affected. Griff had fought hard. He was all over bruises which he really had never felt at the time, scarcely even now, though one side of his face was turning purple, and his clothes were singed.

It has been known, however, to all the old ichthyologists, Valentyn, Renard, Seba, Artedi, and has been named Chætodon lineatus, by Linné. Of these richly coloured fishes the most familiar in the Indian seas are the Pteroids. They are well known on the coast of Africa, and thence eastward to Polynesia; but they do not extend to the west coast of America, and are utterly absent from the Atlantic.

The incumbent till or boulder clay is about 40 feet thick, but it often attains much greater thickness in the same part of Scotland. Pecten islandicus, Moll. Natica clausa, Bred. Trophon clathratum, Linne. Leda truncata. a. Exterior of left valve. b. Tellina calcarea, Chem. Outside of left valve. b.

There are those who can well understand how the good and wise John Ellis, amid all his philanthropic labours for the good of the West Indies, while he was spending his intellect and fortune in introducing into our tropic settlements the bread-fruit, the mangosteen, and every plant and seed which he hoped might be useful for medicine, agriculture, and commerce, could yet feel himself justified in devoting large portions of his ever well-spent time to the fighting the battle of the corallines against Parsons and the rest, and even in measuring pens with Linne, the prince of naturalists.

We are thus driven to adopt one of two suppositions: either Lohrmann, Mädler, and Schmidt were entirely mistaken in the size and importance of Linné, or a real change in its outward semblance supervened during the first half of the century, and has since passed away, perhaps again to recur.

We came to Linne at night, and stopped at the house of a kinsman of Robert Pike's, a man of some substance and note in that settlement. We were tired and hungry, and the supper of warm Indian bread and sweet milk relished quite as well as any I ever ate in the Old Country. The next day we went on over a rough road to Wenham, through Salem, which is quite a pleasant town.