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On the outskirts, nearer to the prairie, grew birches, aspens, limes, maples, and oaks. Then they met us more rarely, the dense firwood moved down on us in an unbroken wall. Further on were the red, bare trunks of pines, and then again a stretch of mixed copse, overgrown with underwood of hazelnut, mountain ash, and bramble, and stout, vigorous weeds.

Finding that the packet for France was not likely to sail immediately, we hired a boat, and proceeded down the river, to view the beautiful ruins of Netley Abbey, in the great court of which we dined, under the shade of aged limes, and amidst the flappings of its feathered and restless tenantry.

Besides which, why only these particular branches? the object would be so apparent. The squire, while conversing with Ettles, twice, as if unconsciously, directed his steps beneath these limes, and, striking the offending boughs with his stick, remarked that they grew extremely fast.

I did not think the potion would have been so strong. Give me a netful of fresh limes and some cooling lotion, that I may leave with her there." In a few minutes a woman came up to say that the palanquin was in readiness at the gate of the zenana garden. A large cushion was taken off a divan, and Isobel was laid upon it and covered with a light shawl.

There was fast developing a new and important business, resulting from the development of the real resources of the State the fruits, particularly the citrous fruits that grew abundantly in the warm valley. Fortunes were made in oranges, lemons, limes, grapes, almonds and pears.

Just then Owen thankfully recollected that he had put a couple of small limes, some of which he had been eating late on the previous evening, into his pocket. He immediately skinned one of the refreshing fruit, and handed it in small pieces to Ashurst. "This from you, Hartley?" he said, as he swallowed it eagerly.

Garman on the sofa, while the young people went down to the croquet lawn, which was shaded by the dense avenue of limes. Mr. Aalbom was walking up and down the broad path in front of the house, encircled by his wife's bony arm, as Mr. Delphin kindly put it, while they were waiting for coffee.

She made cups of leaves and filled them with water, and into them we squeezed the limes for a toast. "Inu i te ota no te!" she said and lifted her cup. "A health to you! He who eats the fei passes under a spell; he must return again to the islands. Have you eaten the fei?" "Not yet, Princess," I replied. "There they are in abundance on the hillside," she said. "Look!

He rapidly went round the parsonage, and he put on his shoes again only when he was at some distance, under the discreet shade of the limes. Then he walked boldly on, keeping to the middle of the road, on the side, however, where the houses cast their shadow, and advanced with the step of a man who is going to accomplish a duty. He arrived without any hindrance at the Captain's house.

Lavery's talk to herself. Presently, as the evening fell, Diana sitting under the limes watching the shadows lengthen on the new-mown grass, wondered whether she had any mind any opinions of her own at all. Her father; Oliver; Mr. Ferrier; Marion Vincent she saw and felt with them all in turn. In the eyes of a Mrs. Fotheringham could anything be more despicable?