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One of the two routes to Dresden and Leipsic passes Lichterfelde, five miles from Berlin, where conspicuous buildings are the seat of the chief cadet-school in Germany. Here are accommodations for eight or nine hundred cadets, the flower of German youth. Neither pains nor expense has been spared in the erection and embellishment of these extensive buildings.

Of these there are 10 in Prussia, Würtemberg, and Saxony, and 1 at Munich in Bavaria. They there receive their commissions as second lieutenants. There are 9 Prussian schools, the Hauptkadettenanstalt at Gross Lichterfelde, and 8 Kadetten-Häuser; and 1 at Dresden and 1 at Munich. Some of these I have visited, and been made at home with the greatest courtesy and hospitality.

The success of this experiment soon led to the laying of the Lichterfelde line, in which both rails were placed upon insulating sleepers, so that the one served for the conveyance of the current from the power station to the moving car, and the other for completing the return circuit.

The advantages were that the weight, of the engine, so destructive of power and of the plant itself in starting and stopping, would be saved, and that perfect immunity from products of combustion would be insured The experience at Lichterfelde, at Paris, and another electric line of 765 yards in length, and 2 ft. 2 in. gauge, worked in connection with the Zaukerode Colliery since October, 1882, were extremely favorable to this mode of propulsion.

"The new one over there in Lichterfelde I do not know, but the old one, that I do know yes h'm was even a cadet there in my time yes that one I do know." This repetition of words gave me the feeling that he knew not only the house, but probably many an event that had taken place in it. "As you come from Alexander Square," he continued, "there first comes a court with trees.

The electric railway from Berlin to Lichterfelde and the one at Vienna are in reality only elevated roads established upon the surface. Although it is possible to insulate the rails in a satisfactory manner in the case of an elevated road, the conditions of insulation are not very favorable where the railway is to be constructed on a level with the surface.

By this time Lilienthal had moved from his springboard to a conical artificial hill which he had had thrown up on level ground at Grosse Lichterfelde, near Berlin. This hill was made with earth taken from the excavations incurred in constructing a canal, and had a cave inside in which Lilienthal stored his machines. Royal Aeronautical Society's publications.

"Concerning the new house over there in Lichterfelde," continued the old colonel in* a somewhat disparaging tone, "I know nothing, as I said, but have heard that it is become a big affair with a great number of cadets.

One could almost produce the three countries from that limited knowledge. At the cadet school at Gross Lichterfelde there are a thousand pupils. They are taught riding, swimming, dancing, French, English, mathematics, and of course receive technical military instruction.

There is, perhaps, some excuse for such indifference. No men in the world have more new inventions brought to them than railroad managers, and this was the rankest kind of novelty. It was not, indeed, until a year later, in May, 1881, that the first regular road collecting fares was put in operation a little stretch of one and a half miles from Berlin to Lichterfelde, with one miniature motorcar.