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Anna Leopoldowna was the most powerful woman in Russia, but she, Elizabeth, was the handsomest woman in Russia, which was all she coveted, and she had nothing more to desire.

Anna Leopoldowna had hardly left the room in which she had been surprised and captured, when Lestocq turned to Grunstein with a new order. "Now," said he, in an undertone to him "now hasten to seize the emperor. This little Ivan must be annihilated." Elizabeth had overheard these words, and remembering Anna's last prayer, she exclaimed with vehemence: "No, no, I say, he shall not be annihilated!

From this hour he shall be compelled to acknowledge that he was mistaken, and that it is for him to implore your pardon. Anna Leopoldowna, I love no one in the world but you, and therefore I am ready to do all that love can do for you. I will marry Count Lynar for the purpose of preserving you from suspicion and slander.

A quarter of an hour later the generals were permitted to retire, and the emperor was reconveyed to his apartments. Anna Leopoldowna remained alone with her husband and the newly-married pair, who had retreated to the recess of a window and were whispering together.

And, standing in the centre of these halls, they read to Biron the testament of the deceased Empress Anna: that testament designated Ivan, the son of the Duchess Anna Leopoldowna and Prince Ulrich of Brunswick, as emperor, and him, Duke Biron of Courland, as absolute regent of the empire during the minority of the emperor, who had now just reached the age of seven months.

"By this I mean to say," interposed Elizabeth, "that this conspiracy is brought to a bloodless conclusion, and that, from this hour, there is but one woman in this great Russian realm who has any claim to the title of empress, and that woman is the Regent Anna Leopoldowna!"

There she reposes, dreaming of past delightful hours, or smiling with the intoxication of the still more delightful present in the arms of the one she loves. See how her eyes flash, how her heart beats how beautiful she is in the warm glow of excitement, this beautiful Anna Leopoldowna. The door opens, and a smiling young maiden looks in with many a nod of her little head.

"There will consequently be time for a courier yet to reach them with your counter-order." "And he must be dispatched immediately!" said Alexis, pressing the hand of the empress to his lips. "In this hour will my kind and gracious empress sign the command for the arrest of Anna Leopoldowna, her husband, and her son!" "Already another signature!" sighed Elizabeth.

"Poor Princess Anna," said Julia, sympathetically, "they soon grudged you that happiness!" "Yes," continued Anna with a bitter smile, "yes, the virtuous Empress Anna blushed in the arms of her lover, Biron, at this aberration of her sold and coupled niece. She found it very revolting that the poor sixteen-year-old Anna Leopoldowna dared to have a heart of her own and to feel a real love.

Oh, Elizabeth, listen to the prayer of your faithful servant let not this Anna Leopoldowna pass the boundary of your realm let not your most deadly enemy escape!" "Oh, grant his prayer," cried Lestocq, kneeling beside Alexis; "there is wisdom in his words; listen to him rather than to the too great generosity of your own heart!