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"They assailed him with a shower of groans, it is said, and some of the gamins flung pebbles at his gates." "The most significant shout before the office of Foreign Affairs was this," said Ledru Rollin "'Countess of Leven, where is the Minister?"

Yesterday several chiefs of the faubourg battalions of the National Guard interviewed Jules Ferry on the subject. Ledru Rollin has declared himself in favour of it, and this morning there are evidences that the Government is inclined to give way to the pressure, for a decree is published in the Journal Officiel ordering a registration of voters.

"And, meanwhile, Messieurs," interrupted M. Dantès, "I know not that we can better employ ourselves, after so protracted a séance, than to repair to Véfour's. This talking is hungry work, and listening and thinking, which are by far more tedious, are still more so. So to Véfour's." "The séance 'National' is closed!" cried Ledru Rollin, laughing, as the whole company descended the gloomy stairs.

Headed by Ledru Rollin the excited multitude withdrew, and at four o'clock all was as silent in the Chamber of Deputies as if not a voice had resounded or a footstep had echoed within its walls for centuries. In the distance, however, could be heard the repeated shout: "Vive la République! to the Hôtel de Ville!"

"Citizens!" cried Ledru Rollin, "in nominating a provisional government you perform a solemn act an act which cannot be performed in a furious manner.

"Three impeachments of the Ministry have been proposed," said Lamartine. "By whom by whom?" asked Louis Blanc. "By whom presented?" "One by Odillon Barrot, one by Duvergier d'Hauranne and one by M. de Genoude, Deputy from Toulouse." "And what said Guizot?" asked Marrast. "Nothing. He only laughed when the papers were handed him by old President Sauzet." "Ah!" cried Ledru Rollin.

The people, at length, are ripe! To-morrow all Paris will be in arms!" While Ledru Rollin was thus speaking, Louis Blanc entered and quietly approached, courteously saluting his acquaintances on his way, and stopping to exchange a few words with Madame Dantès, who inquired with considerable anxiety for her husband. "I have this moment left him, Madame," said Louis Blanc.

"'You play the game of menace! cried Lesseps. "'The Government will never yield! again vociferated Duchatel. "'Those were the very words of Charles X.! observed M. Dantès, sternly. The entire left responded in a terrific roar. "'There is blood in those words! shouted Ledru Rollin.

He will curse it as long as time, whether it is affirmed by Jefferson, Paine, Robespierre, Ledru Rollin, Kossuth, Greeley, Garrison, or Barnes. Sir, that paragraph is an excrescence on the tree of our liberty. I pray you take it away. Worship it if you will, and in a manner imitate the Druid. He gave reverence to the mistletoe, but first he removed the parasite from the noble tree.

His audacity stopped them; it made some of his artillerymen ashamed, who imitated their marshal; it gave time to his aide-de-camp Heymès, and to General Gérard to embody thirty soldiers, bring forward two or three light pieces, and to Generals Ledru and Marchand to collect the only battalion which remained.