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MacFarlane strongly advised her to apply for it, for the salary was more than she could look for in a situation, and she would probably be more independent. But as for him employing a girl as a law-writer, what would the profession say to that? It was quite out of the question. "I fear I have no turn for teaching, but I suppose I must try for something better than a situation.

The counsel quoted the old French law, and a French law-writer of 1700, Chardon, and also English and Canadian authorities. The French Canadian judge having, during the oration, thrown in an observation or two in English, which he did not speak over fluently, at length uttered in French a long comment upon the fallacy of the argument which sounded strangely.

I sat for awhile in the darkness, listening to the scratching of the pen of my neighbour, the old law-writer, and the sense of despair that its sound always communicated to me encompassed me about this evening with heavier weight than usual. After all, was not the sympathy of the Lady 'Ortensia, stimulated for personal purposes though it might be, better than nothing?

Peedles hung on her hook behind the kitchen door, dingy, limp, discarded; out of the wardrobe with the silks and satins was lifted down to be put on as an undergarment Miss Lucretia Barry, like her costumes somewhat aged, somewhat withered, but still distinctly "arch." In the room next to me lived a law-writer and his wife. They were very old and miserably poor. The fault was none of theirs.

In short, I was in a flutter for a little while and felt as if an old chord had been more coarsely touched than it ever had been since the days of the dear old doll, long buried in the garden. The Law-Writer On the eastern borders of Chancery Lane, that is to say, more particularly in Cook's Court, Cursitor Street, Mr. Snagsby, law- stationer, pursues his lawful calling.

"Now, your ladyship," says Mr. Guppy, "I come to the last point of the case, so far as I have got it up. It's going on, and I shall gather it up closer and closer as it goes on. Your ladyship must know if your ladyship don't happen, by any chance, to know already that there was found dead at the house of a person named Krook, near Chancery Lane, some time ago, a law-writer in great distress.

Upon which law-writer there was an inquest, and which law-writer was an anonymous character, his name being unknown. But, your ladyship, I have discovered very lately that that law- writer's name was Hawdon." "And what is THAT to me?" "Aye, your ladyship, that's the question! Now, your ladyship, a queer thing happened after that man's death.

"You perceive it is pure caprice; an idea to become a landed proprietor, my dear law-writer." "Explain yourself; you annoy me." "In a word, I have been offered a territorial acquisition, and, if it is not disagreeable to you I should wish, that is to say, I should desire, to withdraw my funds from you; and I come to give you notice, according to our agreement." "Humph!"

In one of the gardens I noticed that the little paths were paved with what looked like circular tiles, but which, on inspection, I found to be old-fashioned stone ink-bottles, buried bottom upwards; and I was meditating upon the quaint conceit of the forgotten scrivener who had thus adorned his habitation a law-writer perhaps or an author, or perchance even a poet when I perceived the number that I was seeking inscribed on a shabby door in a high wall.

With which remark he finishes his brief attendance and returns to finish his dinner. The dark young surgeon passes the candle across and across the face and carefully examines the law-writer, who has established his pretensions to his name by becoming indeed No one. "I knew this person by sight very well," says he. "He has purchased opium of me for the last year and a half.