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No gentleman in the county would ever speak to me again, if I were known to have put up with it." "I am sure, sir," said Daniel, in a truly contrite tone, "I never should have done such an impudent thing against you, if I had only known what a nice gentleman you are. I took you for nothing but a haughty land-owner, without a word to fling at a poor fisherman.

The possession of fields and gardens is much desired; to be a land-owner is considered honorable; and the rents of the fields, if the date-harvest be good, is very considerable.

I have made a gentleman of you, you must make a nobleman of yourself. Those were almost the last words of the stern, thrifty, old Puritan craftsman, and his son never forgot them. From a mill-owner he grew to coal- owner, shipowner, banker, railway director, money-lender to kings and princes; and last of all, as the summit of his own and his compeer's ambition, to land-owner.

If God grant it, we shall still eat a piece of bread and a little butter and on the Sabbaths the tasty GEFILTEH FISCH." "That's fine fish: pike the way the sheenies make it!" said the gasping land-owner. "We shall open up for ourselves the firm of 'Horizon and Son. Isn't that true, Sarochka 'and Son? And you, I hope, will honour me with your esteemed orders?

The wood for these beneficent noon-house fires was given by the farmers of the congregation, a load by each well-to-do land-owner, if it were a "society-house," and occasionally an apple-growing farmer gave a barrel of "cyder" to supply internal instead of external warmth.

But in Malmaison his countenance and his being were changed. Here he was the cheerful man, enjoying life; he was the joyous companion, the modest land-owner, who with genial delight surveyed the produce of his soil, and even calculated how much profit it could bring him. "The first consul in Malmaison," said the English minister, Fox, "the first consul in St.

When you see the sign, 'Horizon and Son, then straight off recollect that you once rode in a car together with a young man, who had grown as foolish as hell from love and from happiness." "Ab-solutely!" said the land-owner. And Simon Yakovlevich at once turned to him: "But I also work by commission broking.

"Fact is," he went on, after a pause, "I happen to know a nice, steady young fellow who is thinking of getting married. He told me he would be willing to pay $300 and taxes." "Three hundred dollars!" cried the wondering little land-owner. "Why, I should feel like a rich woman!" "Well, the land's worth it, and the young man's able to pay."

But in reality she had not, and was not to have, the chance. The young land-owner stood beside her staring at nothing and trying to bite his mustache. He came to himself with a start. "Miss Garnet " As she turned the sky's blush lighted her face. "That case we were speaking of inside, you know " "Yes, sir." "Well, as I said, I knew that case myself.

And you don't object?" "Not in the least. It's next to an ancestral feeling to be the father of a land-owner." They were standing close to the crib, his arm resting lightly across her shoulders. He drew her closer to him, and kissed her tenderly. "The little chap has a golden-hearted mother. I don't know why he should not have a Golden House." Her eyes filled with sudden tears.