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When he said that if we are to follow him in the sense of taking up his work we must give up our family ties, he was simply stating a fact; and to this day the Roman Catholic priest, the Buddhist lama, and the fakirs of all the eastern denominations accept the saying.

Our guide explained to us that two centuries ago the lake did not exist and that a very strong Chinese fortress stood here on the plain. A Chinese chief in command of the fortress gave offence to an old Lama who cursed the place and prophesied that it would all be destroyed. The very next day the water began rushing up from the ground, destroyed the fortress and engulfed all the Chinese soldiers.

It would be an automaton, a continuation of other automatons.... It is said the Dalai Lama is perpetual, always the same, never changing from age to age. A fiction maintained by a mystic priesthood supplying themselves secretly with fresh Dalai Lama material as needful with a symbol to hold in awe the ignorance of their religionists.... Bonbright saw that he was expected to be a symbol....

All the weasel family, to which the polecat belongs, kill for the pure joy of killing, and in China one such animal will entirely depopulate a hen-roost in a single night. At six o'clock Yvette and I left camp with the lama and rode northeast. The plain swept away in long, grassy billows, and at every rise I stopped for a moment to scan the horizon with my glasses.

From the north a rider appeared in white robes and mounted on a white horse. He approached the Lama and said to him: "'Give me your basket. I shall help you to carry them to the Kure. "The Lama handed his heavy burden up to him but the rider could not raise it to his saddle so that the old Lama had to place it back on his shoulder and continue on his way, bent under its heavy weight.

Were Lamaism abolished there still would be hope for Mongolia under a proper government, for the Mongols of to-day are probably the equals of Genghis Khan's warriors in strength, endurance, and virility. The religion of Mongolia is like that of Tibet and the Dalai Lama of Lhassa is the head of the entire Church. The Tashi Lama residing at Tashilumpo, also in Tibet, ranks second.

If through all these dark waters the scornful reviewer have passed clear, refined, free from stain, with a soul that has never in all its agonies cried "lama sabachthani," still, even then let him pray with the Publican rather than judge with the Pharisee. "Jan. l0th, 1849. "Anne had a very tolerable day yesterday, and a pretty quiet night last night, though she did not sleep much. Mr.

Neither you nor I knew there was so much evil in the world." The power of the priests or Brahmins over the Hindus is one of the phenomena of India. I do not know where you can get a better idea of their influence and of the reverence that is paid to them than in "Kim," Rudyard Kipling's story of an Irish boy who was a disciple of an old Thibetan lama or Buddhist monk.

'Certainly it is thy Bull. Certainly, also, the two men came to make all ready. 'They are soldiers white soldiers. What said the priest? "The sign over against the Bull is the sign of War and armed men." Holy One, this thing touches my Search. 'True. It is true. The lama stared fixedly at the device that flamed like a ruby in the dusk.

The bench was believed, by the credulous Mongols, to carry the Lama! Among the Manyanja of Africa thefts are detected by young men holding sticks in their hands. A regular case of movement without contact was reported from Thibet, by M. Tscherepanoff, in 1855. When he is ready he sits on the ground, reading a Thibetan book, in front of a small square table, on which he rests his hands.