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"Smith, follow me!" interrupted Miss Henniker, in her most irresistible voice, as she led the way to Mr Ladislaw's study. Smith did follow her, and was flogged, of course. I was as indignant as he was at this tale of injustice; it reminded me of my box of sweets last year, which I had never seen back. Smith's rage was beyond all bounds. "I won't stand it!" said he; "that's all about it, Fred!"

We held mock school in Mr Ladislaw's study, and got Flanagan to dress up in an old gown of the Henniker's, which was found in the boot-room, and enact that favourite character's part, which he did to the life.

I am amateurish if you like: I do not think that all the universe is straining towards the obscure significance of your pictures." "But it is, my dear! so far as it is straining through me, Adolf Naumann: that stands firm," said the good-natured painter, putting a hand on Ladislaw's shoulder, and not in the least disturbed by the unaccountable touch of ill-humor in his tone. "See now!

Brooke's attention to this ugly bit of Ladislaw's genealogy, as a fresh candle for him to see his own folly by.

And in a leading article of the "Trumpet," Keck characterized Ladislaw's speech at a Reform meeting as "the violence of an energumen a miserable effort to shroud in the brilliancy of fireworks the daring of irresponsible statements and the poverty of a knowledge which was of the cheapest and most recent description." "That was a rattling article yesterday, Keck," said Dr.

On his writing-table there were letters which had lain untouched since the morning when he was taken ill, and among them, as Dorothea well remembered, there were young Ladislaw's letters, the one addressed to her still unopened.

"Smith and Batchelor, follow me." We followed duly to Mr Ladislaw's study, where we were arraigned. Hawkesbury was sent for as evidence. He came smiling, and declared he may have been mistaken, perhaps it was two other boys; he hoped we should not be punished, etcetera. Smith was nearly breaking out once or twice during this, and it was all I could do to keep him in.

I met them one day in a back street: you know Ladislaw's look a sort of Daphnis in coat and waistcoat; and this little old maid reaching up to his arm they looked like a couple dropped out of a romantic comedy. But the best evidence about Farebrother is to see him and hear him."

Against certain facts he was helpless: against Will Ladislaw's existence, his defiant stay in the neighborhood of Lowick, and his flippant state of mind with regard to the possessors of authentic, well-stamped erudition: against Dorothea's nature, always taking on some new shape of ardent activity, and even in submission and silence covering fervid reasons which it was an irritation to think of: against certain notions and likings which had taken possession of her mind in relation to subjects that he could not possibly discuss with her.

Ladislaw gave it me," said Miss Noble. "A German box very pretty, but if it falls it always spins away as far as it can." "Oh, if it is Ladislaw's present," said Mr. Farebrother, in a deep tone of comprehension, getting up and hunting. The box was found at last under a chiffonier, and Miss Noble grasped it with delight, saying, "it was under a fender the last time."