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At that moment the expression of his features will either show that his one thought is that of true and sincere sympathy for you; or else the absolute composure of his countenance, or the passing trace of something other than sympathy, will confirm the well-known maxim of La Rochefoucauld: Dans l'adversite de nos meilleurs amis, nous trouvons toujours quelque chose qui ne nous deplait pas.

It was a book not much used; but Pauline presently produced a French version, and Jean read the passage "Qui forme la lumiere, et qui cree les tenebres; qui fait la paix, et qui cree l'adversite; c'est moi, l'Eternel, qui fais toutes les choses la." Pauline bent over her father and read it again. "Qui cree l'adversite," she said. "Do you believe that?" "If it is there I do," said Zachariah.

They suffer from this malady less in Germany than in America or in England. I should like to introduce such people into dozens of households in Berlin; alas, they could not speak or understand the moral or mental language there, where there is everything that makes a home's heart beat proudly and peaceably, except money. "La prospérité découvre les vices, et l'adversité les vertus."

Ce qui est vraiment insupportable ce sont les separations, et j'ai bien de la peine a m'y resigner, et je ne m'y resignerais pas du tout si la peinture rapportait. Mais en mettant les choses au pis pour les affaires d'argent, j'espere que tu me verras toujours courageux et affectueux dans l'adversite; je me figure que depuis quelque temps j'ai appris a la supporter sans qu'elle puisse m'aigrir.