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* The editor of the Courier de l'Egalite, a most decided patriot, thus expresses himself on the injuries and insults received by the King from the Parisians, and their municipality, previous to his trial: "I know that Louis is guilty but are we to double his punishment before it is pronounced by the law?

Enthusiastic acclamations followed, a grand chorus of Vive Thomas Paine! The crowd escorted him to Dessein's hotel, in the Rue de l'Egalite, formerly Rue du Roi, and shouted under his windows. At the proper time he was conducted to the Town Hall. The municipality were assembled to bestow the accolade fraternelle upon their representative.

Nobody knew the words, I least of any; so we la-la-la'd through it, and when we parted for luncheon, we went down the crooked stairway arm in arm, still giving forth snatches of "Le Bon Roi Pomaré" in honor of our host: Mais, s'il aimait tant les plaisirs, Les chants joyeux, la vie en rose, Le plus ardent de ses désirs, Pour lui la plus heureuse chose, Fut toujours que l'humanité Regnât au sein de son Royaume; De même que l'Egalité Sous son modeste toit de chaume.

About ten o'clock in the morning, Cambaceres, president of the Committee of Public Safety, is seen entering its hall in the Pavillon de l'Egalite. He is a large, cautious and shrewd personage who will, later on, become arch-chancellor of the Empire and famous for his epicurean inventions and other peculiar tastes revived from antiquity.

Still he was not cowed, although the blows were the first which he had ever received, but bravely answered, "You may punish me if I don't obey you; but you ought not to beat me you are stronger than I." "I am here to command you, animal! my duty is just what I please to do; and 'vive la Liberté, l'Egalité." By-and-by personal suffering and violence had become only too common occurrences of his daily life.

I subjoin an extract from a newspaper, which has lately appeared.* *Extract from The Courier de l'Egalite, November, 1792: "There are discontented people who still venture to obtrude their sentiments on the public. One of them, in a public print, thus expresses himself 'I assert, that the newspapers are sold and devoted to falsehood.

* The editor of the Courier de l'Egalite, a most decided patriot, thus expresses himself on the injuries and insults received by the King from the Parisians, and their municipality, previous to his trial: "I know that Louis is guilty but are we to double his punishment before it is pronounced by the law?

This sort of man aims at dominion, and his means are the words he always has in his mouth, "L'égalité naturelle des hommes, et la souveraineté du peuple." All former attempts, grounded on these rights of men, had proved unfortunate. The success of this last makes a mighty difference in the effect of the doctrine.

The Pavillon de Marsan was called the Pavillon de l'Egalité, the Pavillon du Centre became the Pavillon de l'Unité and the Pavillon de Flore the Pavillon de la Liberté, where was lodged the Committee of Public Safety. The Hall of the Convention, according to reports of the time, was an appalling mixture of grandeur and effeminacy with respect to its architectural lines.

'Halte la! cried a large-limbed, formidable-looking ruffian on the summit, pointing his musket towards them; 'none passes here who does not bring a stone to raise our barricade for the rights of the Red Republic, and cry, La liberte, l'egalite, et la, fraternite, let it fit his perfidious tongue as it may.