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Peter had gone to sleep that night pretending about the brigands to pass the time, and when he awoke he still believed in them. He was that sort of child. There was nothing that I could do about it. Round the corner, as the boss was speaking, I saw the kennel-man coming with a plate in his hand. It smelt fine, and he was headed straight for me. He put the plate down before me.

Three times out of five, the buyer's eye would single Lass from the rollicking and fluffy mass of puppyhood. The visitor would point her out. The kennel-man would reply, flatteringly "Yes, she sure is one fine pup!" The purchaser never waited to hear the end of the sentence, before turning to some other puppy. The pronoun, "she," had killed forever his dawning fancy for the little beauty.

"He's great!" sighed the youngster in admiration; adding naïvely: "Is he Champion Rothsay Chief the one whose picture was in The Bulletin last Sunday?" The kennel-man laughed noisily. Then he checked his mirth, for professional reasons, as he remembered the nature of the boy's quest and foresaw a bare possibility of getting rid of the unwelcome Lass. "Nope," he said. "This isn't Chief.

No weather-prophet was needed to tell these hillcountry folk that they were in for a thunderstorm; and for what one kennel-man described as "a reg'lar ol' he-one," at that. Now, under right conditions, an open-air dogshow is a thing of beauty and of joy. At such places as Tuxedo and one or two others it is a sight to be remembered.

Forsyth, and at last a Kennel-man, whom he remembered tipping years before for some slight service, informed him that he had seen Mrs. Forsyth leaving the building some time before.

But he goes pretty much by what I say. He might let her go for How much of a check did you say your uncle sent you?" "Twelve dollars," answered the boy, "one for each year. Because I'm named for him. It's my birthday, you know. But but a dollar of it went for the chain and the collar. How much do you suppose the gentleman would want for Rothsay Lass?" The kennel-man considered for a moment.

So when I got the check cashed at the store, I got this collar and chain." "Are you a friend of the boss?" asked the kennel-man. "The boss?" echoed the boy. "You mean the man who owns this place? No, sir. But when I've walked past, on the road, I've seen his 'Collies for Sale' sign, lots of times. Once I saw some of them being exercised. They were the wonderfulest dogs I ever saw.

But before the Master could speak, Miss Dorothy laughs and says: "You're Mr. Polk's kennel-man, I believe. Well, you tell Mr. Polk from me that the dog's not for sale now any more than he was five minutes ago, and that when he is, he'll have to bid against me for him." The man looks foolish at that, but he turns to Nolan quick-like. "I'll give you three hundred for him," he says.

"You see," he was confiding to the bored kennel-man who had been detailed by the foreman to take him around the kennels, "when I got the check from Uncle Dick this morning, I made up my mind, first thing, to buy a dog with it, even if it took every cent. But then I got to thinking I'd need something to fasten him with, so he wouldn't run away before he learned to like me and want to stay with me.

But before the Master could speak, Miss Dorothy laughs, and says, "You're Mr. Polk's kennel-man, I believe. Well, you tell Mr. Polk from me that the dog's not for sale now any more than he was five minutes ago, and that when he is, he'll have to bid against me for him." The man looks foolish at that, but he turns to Nolan quick- like. "I'll give you three hundred for him," he says.