United States or Turks and Caicos Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

She, however, had not this opportunity, which I regret, as I think it would have justified her expectations. In England, the raw material is generally good; it is the over-dressing that injures it; and as the class she wished to study are well educated, and have all the refinement of civilization without its corruption, she would have carried away a favourable impression.

She was seen in March, 1913, appeared perfectly well, and stated she had been well during the entire interval. If this forced holding of the breath had been the only anomaly, one would, perhaps, not be justified in drawing any conclusions as to its significance.

Las Casas soon became intimate with the chancellor, and stood high in his esteem; but so much opposition arose on every side that he found his various propositions for the relief of the natives but little attended to. In his doubt and anxiety he had now recourse to an expedient which he considered as justified by the circumstances of the case.

We are justified in lending to those who need such kind offices, but not to put others to the inconvenience of lending when we are fully able to supply our own wants. This is going beyond the scope of the Divine injunction, and I hold it to be morally wrong to do so. Nor is this all the kettle is hardly ever returned in a good condition. How thoughtless! how wrong!

And with a vague feeling that she was justified in disobeying her because of her recent crossness, she rounded them up for a chase over the granite slabs of the breakwater. If they would be Indians, she proposed, she'd be the Deerslayer, like the hero of the Leather-Stocking Tales, and chase 'em with a gun.

Davis justified and sustained that repudiation, and that now he appears on behalf of Arkansas to induce Congress, by solemn act, to authorize that State to repudiate her obligations also. Thus was it that Mr. Davis travelled out of his own State into another, to make the Government of the United States a party to the repudiation of her bonds by the State of Arkansas. Let me not be misunderstood.

In this country, where the rough and ready understanding of the people is sure at last to be the controlling power, a profound common-sense is the best genius for statesmanship. Hitherto the wisdom of the President's measures has been justified by the fact that they have always resulted in more firmly uniting public opinion.

"By accepting his conditions and believing his word, 'Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. 'Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out. Come now and accept his offered salvation, whether you have done so before or not; come, believing his word; 'I will in no wise cast out, 'I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and as a cloud, thy sins: return unto me; for I have redeemed thee. 'Surely shall one say, In the Lord have I righteousness and strength; even to him shall all men come. 'In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory. 'The just shall live by faith, and faith is the gift of God, as we are told again and again in his Holy Word; a gift that he will grant to all who ask it of him."

She felt the weight upon her of the great thing she had undertaken to do, with a certain half-pleasing sense of the solemnity of the position and of its difficulties; but she was not afraid that she was going wrong or suffering her fancy to stray further than the facts justified; neither was she troubled by any idea of going beyond her sphere by interfering thus energetically in her friend's affairs.

My own view, since more than justified, was that only so large a building could ever hope to meet the requirements and only such a comprehensive institution could expect to carry its own expenses. I preferred refunding the ninety thousand dollars to the various donors and dropping the whole business to embarking on the smaller scheme. That meeting did a world of good.