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"Why, Sir Jarvy, your honour, she's under her fore and main-taw-sails, close-reefed, with a bit of the main-sail set, as well as I can make it out, sir." "The devil she is! It must be some fellow in a great hurry, to carry that canvass in this blow! Can it be possible, Greenly, that the leading vessel of Bluewater is heaving in sight?"

Sir Jarvy turned out with the sun, thof he didn't turn in 'till the middle-watch was half gone or two bells, as they calls 'em aboard this house four bells, as we should say in the old Planter and chickens, I hears, has riz, a shillin' a head, since our first boat landed." "It's a melancholy business, Mrs. Dutton; I fear there can be little hope."

Let Sir Jarvy alone for them tricks he wasn't a young gentleman, for nothing." "Have a moment's patience, sir," put in Wycherly, "and I will go myself, and ascertain the truth." "I shall make but another inquiry," continued Admiral Bluewater, as Wycherly left the room.

You do not know yourself, Sir Jarvy, if you think it so easy a matter to run away." No my mind is made up; and, I believe you know me well enough to feel sure, when that is the case, even a council of war could not move it. I lead out, in the first two-decked ship that lifts her anchor, and you follow in the last.

No no Sir Jarvy; I'll not pay that visit, till we all goes in company, as is suitable for them that has sailed so long together." "This will be great news, Dick, if de Vervillin has really come out!" cried Sir Gervaise, rubbing his hands with delight. "Hang me, if I wait for orders from London; but we'll sail with the first wind and tide.

"No fear of them, Sir Jarvy; the French has no faith, nor no charity, no, nor no bowels, as any poor fellow knows as has ever been wrecked on their coast, as once happened to me, when a b'y. I looks upon 'em as no better than so many heatheners, and perhaps that's the name of the ship. I've seed heatheners, a hundred times, Sir Jarvy, in that sort of toggery."

He was still indulging in his triumph, when the first tap of the drum was heard. All listened; every ear pricking like that of a deer that hears the hound, when there followed "r-r-r-ap tap r-r-r-ap tap r-r-r-ap tapa-tap-tap rap-a-tap a-rap-a-tap a-rap-a-tap a-tap-tap." "Instinct or reason, Sir Jarvy is going to quarters!" exclaimed the honourable.

"Lord Lord, Sir Jarvy, you knows he is, and that 'ere marvel constructure is his monerment now you must remember the old Planter, and the County of Fairvillian, and the threshing we guv'd him?" "Pardon me, Galleygo; there is no occasion for warmth. When I was a midshipman, warmth of expression was disapproved of by all the elder officers."

But this isn't all, sir; for they does say, some'at has befallen the Carnatic, she having gone out of our line, like a binnacle-lamp at eight bells." "Ay, she is not visible, either." "Not so much as a hen-coop, Sir Jarvy! We all wonders what has become of Captain Parker; no sign of him or of his ship is to be found on the briny ocean.

"I calls nothing extr'ornary in a Frenchman's rigging, Sir Jarvy," answered the steward, as soon as he felt sure of his fact; "their dock-men have idees of their own, as to such things.