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Now she went over to the cupboard and took down two cups, which she placed on the fireplace base. It was while she was in the act of laying down the last one that the Girl broke in suddenly upon her thoughts with: "Say, Wowkle, did Billy Jackrabbit really propose to you?" "Yep get marry," spoke up Jackrabbit's promised wife without looking up.

There was a silence, and then: "Me don't know," observed Jackrabbit thoughtfully. A moment later, however, he added: "Me marry you how much me get give fatha huh?" Wowkle raised her narrowing eyes to his and told him with absolute indifference: "Huh me don't know." Jackrabbit's face darkened. He pondered for a long time. "Me don't know " suddenly he began and then stopped.

But it turned out she was only starved an' scared half to death. She hadn't been harmed. I reckon she was then about fourteen years old. Benson's idee, he said, was to use her in his den sellin' drinks an' the like. But I never went much on Jackrabbit's word. Bland seen the kid right off and took her bought her from Benson. You can gamble Bland didn't do thet from notions of chivalry.

What are you doin' here?" she exclaimed sharply, causing that generally imperturbable redskin to start perceptibly. "Did you marry my squaw yet?" Billy Jackrabbit's face wore as stolid an expression as ever, when he answered: "Not so much married squaw yet." "Not so much married . . ." repeated the Girl when the merriment, which his words provoked, had subsided. "Come 'ere, you thievin' redskin!"

All of a sudden, Jackrabbit's gaze was arrested by a piece of paper which lay upon the floor and in which had been wrapped the charlotte russes; he went over to it quickly, picked it up, opened it and proceeded to collect on his finger the cream that had adhered to it. "Huh!" he growled delightedly, holding up his finger for Wowkle's inspection.

Presently he handed her his pipe, and while she puffed steadily away he fondled caressingly the string of beads which she wore around her neck. "You sing for get those?" he asked. "Me sing," she replied dully, beginning almost instantly in soft, nasal tones: "My days are as um grass" Jackrabbit's face cleared. "Huh!" he growled in rejoicement.