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"Oh, but bring me my sword, princess," cried Theseus, and his hands went out to her in supplication. "I will bring you your sword," said she. She took up a little lamp and went through a doorway, leaving Theseus standing by the low throne in the chamber of Minos. Then after a little while she came back, bringing with her Theseus's great ivory-hilted sword.

There he bestowed upon the banishers of the Harpies crowns and arm rings of gold and richly-colored garments and brazen chests in which to store the treasure that he gave. And to Jason he gave an ivory-hilted and golden-cased sword, and on each of the voyagers he bestowed a rich gift, not forgetting the heroes who had remained on the Argo, Heracles and Tiphys.

At Yendi, seven days' march through the bush from the Volta, we interviewed the Dagomba king and received a most enthusiastic welcome. Presents of food and slaves were given us, as well as a musket each, with some curious ivory-hilted knives, and we were treated as honoured guests of his sable majesty, who, Omar informed me, was indebted to the Naya for his royal position.

Perceiving me, she raised herself languidly and motioned the others to be gone, whereupon they went out, closing the door; whereupon she spake, quick and passionate: "I have sent for you because I am weak with my sickness, Martino, faint and very solitary!" "And must I weep therefore?" said I, and glancing from her haggard face I beheld a small, ivory-hilted dagger on the table at her elbow.

First she must have a mess of oats seethed in kids' milk; then, for her meat, a dish made of the hearts of animals. Gizzards, too, of birds, and their livers, must be in it. There were to be set for her a brass spoon, and an ivory-hilted knife with rings of bronze upon the handle.

We gathered up a lace cap; ditto of cambric; six love epistles, directed to the lady in as many different hands; a musk-box, and several other indescribable articles; together with an ivory-hilted dagger, of formidable proportions, a little sullied, like the maiden's honour, but sharp as a needle. Of the articles enumerated we made a bundle, leaving the shattered band-box on the road.

Upon this he hung as an offering to the war-god Mars, the arms that had been borne by the Etrurian king his crest, and his broken spears, his breastplate, showing the marks of many blows, his shield of brass, and his ivory-hilted sword. Then he spoke words of encouragement to his chiefs and companions. "Brother warriors, our most important work is done. Henceforth we need have no fear.

At a touch of her fingers the handbag in her lap flew open and a little ivory-hilted revolver lay in her hand. "You may break me, but you'll never bend me an inch." He looked at the little gun and laughed ironically. "Sho! If y'u should hit me with that and I should find it out I might get mad at y'u."

He has his diadem and his ivory-hilted sword, his waving hair and spangled cloak: but accidents will happen, suppose he makes a false step: down he comes on the middle of the stage, and the audience roars with laughter.

"You shall be rove to a gun and flayed with whips " But here, reaching forward or ever she might stay me, I caught up the ivory-hilted dagger: "Ah!" said she softly, staring where it glittered in my shackled hand. "Would you kill me! Come then, death have I never feared strike, Martino mio!" and she proffered her white bosom to the blow; but I laughed in fierce derision.